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Greetings from a female muscle fan!

Mid-December update:

Soooooooo sorry guys! I know there's been some interest and waiting-on-the-edge-of-seat to see where some of the stories go, and I made it worse by giving teaser-previews of some of the ideas I was having and failed to deliver on. Sorry.

There's been several reasons for this: I was having some medical issues that I was hunkering down through while not missing a day of my full-time employment. What's more, I was aiming for a course-correction in life and I've been focused on myself in a few ways- trying to get back into shape, maybe not into Seline's shape but at least be someone who works out who also LOOKS like they work out. Also, I've been trying to get myself out there in the real world, dating quite a bit more, all adding up to not having as much time and the time that I do have isn't as uninterrupted. (not to mention trying to keep THIS in the closet with the ladies I'm seeing: "Sure, my place will work! *clears history/dumps folders in recycling bin/jettisons it/magnetizes hard drive.*)

I appreciate some of the advice and insight in how to deal with what is a pretty fundamental problem in being able to get the content out, that being that I prefer to belt out the whole story in one sitting, and am incorporating some of the advice: both the "Flexytime" universe thread and "Seline Shorts" were designed to be able to get out little morsels of content instead of a grandiose saga. As for the longer-running stories, it'll be interspersed but I'll dedicate the time to tackle them.

As for each one:
"Seline's bodybuilding competition" I completely forgot about. After a quick skimming, most of the ideas came flooding back and there are several more chapters to develop. I feel compelled to resolve the cliffhanger and that new character has continued involvement in this story. There's also new ways that she participates in the competitions and revolutionizes female bodybuilding (at least in this universe.) I also want to rehash back to some of the more fantasy elements that were part of the story.

"Seline Origins" Yeah, there's just the one part left, and all of the milestones are situated. The 3 things that I'm struggling with are 1.) getting those milestones to be more climactic; I've put it together a few times and the story becomes complete with no loose ends, but it isn't as fulfilling as I'd like. 2.) the story necessitates having one particular element be demolished (and then replaced) but there's a lot that can be done with it if it weren't destroyed. I don't want to do a "multiverse" having one timeline where the element is eliminated and another timeline when it isn't, but I have a desire to make an alternate ending to be able to continue to build on it (though it would undermine the journey by doing so.)

"Barbi/Bambi" was an exercise in interactive writing and popping the reader's head into and out of the 4th wall, and it was fun with some follow-up potential but I'm not sure this one will carry on.

"The girl next door/Aiden" was designed for the spin-off of another storyline, "Flexytime gym" in establishing a secondary character that could function as one of the main PoV centers. Aiden was supposed to be a beta-level character at best, one of the junior-varsity level players in a pro-level arena, but his reception dictates that he develop into more of a contributing character. Figuring out where to go with that character.

"Flexytime Gym" as mentioned earlier is where I'll probably spend a lot of time developing - the drama-sitcom episodic format gives a lot of freedom in having self-contained stories only connected by their location. Had a couple of false starts first because of Aiden, and then after my hiatus I was going to cheat and have Seline introduce the place just to get things going again. Seline will make an appearance here but I'm going to try to just get some content up today.

"Learning to live with Seline" probably fizzled out, but there may be an addition here or there.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by dca5347 - 10th April 2022, 03:32
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 16th July 2022, 12:34
mid-August progress update - by hugefbbluvva - 13th August 2022, 03:20
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 20th August 2022, 14:25
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by hugefbbluvva - 11th December 2022, 18:30

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