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Greetings from a female muscle fan!

Mid-August progress update:

TAGS: "Well, there's this one on the back of my sweater."  No, Seline! That's not what that means!

Hey Guys!  It's Hugefbbluvva.  Thanks again for all your views and rep-boosts.

"And it's me!  Seline! Te-He *snort*"

Okay, Seline, I just wanna give them a quick update.  Anyways, I'm going to be working on Origins 3 and it will take some time, so it may be a while before another story is posted, but I haven't quit or retired or anything.  From a self-evaluation perspective, Chapter 1 (episode 5) was what I wanted and was simple because it's the kind of porn that I write.  Chapter 2 (episode 1) was exactly the product that I wanted to make, and I was happy with episode 2 part 1, although not as happy as I was with episode 1.  Episode 2 part 2, in my opinion, started out the way I wanted and then became a garbled mess - and I figure it was for 2 reasons: First, I posted when I was drunk; if I'm going to write while drinking, which I usually do, I should at least save the draft and have a sober read-through before posting.

"Luvva, you really shouldn't drink so much..."

I know Seline, we'll talk about it later.  Anyways, Second, I was starting to get a bunch of feedback about people wanting to see more stuff, particularly Origins and Competition, and I started to try to crank material out.  This led to rushed material - I usually follow an extensive process of storyboarding, writing, editing, reading the completed work and then reading all previous chapters and the new one to look for continuity errors, editing again, and so on, but with 2-2 I was just rushing towards the finish line and hit 'post,' even though I was many beers in when I did so.  I made a few minor adjustments even after posting, but I'd like to just leave it as is and have that be a learning lesson.

"And don't forget that they haven't given you any ideas for/"

Oh right, Seline.  A while back, Seline had asked if you guys had any ideas on ways to test her strength, or even just for feats of strength that you'd like to see her do or attempt, and we haven't gotten any feedback, so let us know what you want to see, or what you think would be a good test of strength for someone who we know can curl 15,000 pounds with one arm and having THAT be a good pump but not her limit.  Anyways, the storyboards for episode 3/

"Oh!  That's the icky one where that guy is doing that thing to me and there's the electricity/"

Yes, Seline, but to understand who you are, they need to know where you came from.

"Hmmph.  Well, as long as they get more stories about where I stick this thing and what my muscles do/"

Yes, Seline, there will be plenty of that.

*Speaking of where I'm gonna stick this five-and-a-half foot long thing when I'm hard...*

The boards for episode 3 have some major shifts in tone, and I want to come up with some transitional material to soften the swings.  There's also a looong journey that needs to happen to get from where we left off in episode 2-2 to where episode 4 needs to begin, so I need to plan out where the breaks are as it will, like episode 2, be a multi-part episode.

"Luvva!  I'm stuck again!"

I'll be right there, Seline!  Anyway, I'm going to start writing episode 3 and aim to get it out as soon as possible, the big deadline that I see is that I want to have some seasonal stuff (starting with Halloween) out in a seasonally appropriate timing, and some of that revolves around characters that I haven't even introduced yet!  So, as alluded to earlier, there are also some other NON-SELINE projects that I plan on introducing, and while writing episode 3 I may take a break and have a few Seline shorts as well as some of the other projects.

"I got it out, no thanks to you!"

Great job Sweetie! 

Now that Competition has fleshed out the way that it has, no pun intended, there are several more chapters in that one which may prove to be a nice break - episode 3 is quite dark.  Barbi/Bambi definitely have more.  Another character that is going to have a lot of content is Jenny, based on Jasons805 Jenny from deviantart/

"Excuse me, Luvva!  Who the fuck is Jenny!"

Sweetie, she's the girl with muscles almost as big as yours and, if I remember right, you like her quite a bit.

"Oh, Jenny!  She's the one who does the thing with the thing to my thing/"

Yup, that's her alright.  PSST... THEY MEET.  Anyways. 3 is going to take a long time so I'll try to pump it out as soon as I can without making the mistakes that I made, I'll try to get some other content out while you're waiting and/

"Ya know, between Jenny, and Barbi and Bambi, and then there's Lilli and Bella- all these girls and then there's your readers- when are you going to pay any attention to ME!"

Sorry, Seline, I've just about wrapped this/

"What do I have to do to get you to notice ME!  Maybe if I show you my new trick...

Oh my god, guys!  Seline learned how to roll her abs!  and/

"How about I block all this 'posting threads' crap like this"

Srline, yout cick is so thick thst it blocks the entire monitor, I can't sww what I'm typong!  And you spilled my beer!

"Nevermind your beer!  Open wide, I got something better for ya!"



Messages In This Thread
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by dca5347 - 10th April 2022, 03:32
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 16th July 2022, 12:34
mid-August progress update - by hugefbbluvva - 13th August 2022, 03:20
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 20th August 2022, 14:25
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by hugefbbluvva - 11th December 2022, 18:30

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