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Greetings from a female muscle fan!

Saying hi, and seeing if there's an interest in posting what I plan on spending hours and weeks and months working on, will probably do so even if there isn't just for myself.

I have always been fascinated by, attracted to, and had a fetish for muscular women.  It started in grade school (don't want to give my exact age, but suffice to say it was more than 1/4 century ago.)  There was this girl in school that I had become at-school-only friends with, and she was so nice and sweet and smart and, well, just great company.  I thought she was so pretty, long curly auburn hair and a year-round rather deep tan that made her caucasian complexion almost as dark as her hair. She seemed to have a very average build, not one that you would immediately classify her as any particular body type, just blended in, and never wore anything that overly pronounced any physical characteristic.  Unfortunately, peer-pressure and group-acceptance was extremely influential at this stage of our lives, and she was considered by the group not to be one of the "attractive ones" while I knew that another girl who was considered one of the "attractive ones" (at this point in our lives, it was pretty much just who developed first) had a thing for me, and I would get more group acceptance by going after the sure thing who was in the "hot" group instead of putting myself out there and taking a risk with someone from the "not" group.  Anyway, as we were approaching the end of the year, it was announced that the entire class was going to have a party at the local public pool.  I guess my crush wanted to give people a taste of things to come, as a few classes later when the teacher left the room for a minute, one of my classmates jumped out of his seat and pointed behind me yelling, "DO THAT AGAIN!" I turned to see what was going on, and there was my crush standing with a playful smile on her face, grasping the bottom of her shirt.  He yelled again, "LIFT IT AGAIN" and she raised her shirt to the bottom of her black lace bra, revealing her perfectly sculpted six-pack.  Everyone's jaws dropped as the abdominal muscles did a little dance of contractions as she giggled from the attention.  That night, I missed the entire night of fun at the public pool as I spent the whole time trying to find her and seeing what kind of bathing suit she was going to bless the rest of us with by presenting herself in; never found her, I guess she never went. 

A few days later, she came in wearing a mesh shirt.  During one of my classes, I finished the quiz well before everyone else, so I was sitting there waiting for everyone to finish.  She was sitting 3 seats ahead and one to the side of me, and she was hunched over her desk intensely focused on the quiz.  This posture has to be one of the absolute least flattering on the midsection as every bit of fat in your entire torso gets clumped together, but even in this position it was very easy to make out the 2 crevices between the 3 layers of abdominal muscles in her belly, even through only the slight opacity of the shirt.  And she obviously wasn't flexing or sucking in or anything as the entirety of her faculties was focused on this quiz.  I sat there mesmerized by the synchronized slight expansion and contraction of the 3 muscles on the right side of her stomach as she breathed.  I thought of how this must give her a completely different perspective on reality - where most people would feel insecure and vulnerable if their shirt were suddenly removed, they would feel a need to flex or tense or suck in, she would just smile and think, "well, I guess I'll show off for a bit." While most have a body that others would turn away from if exposed, she posesses one that makes jaws drop, impossible to turn away from, and impossible not to become obsessed with, even decades later.///

ANYWAYS, in an effort to speed up this introduction and get to how this landed me in a futanari chatroom...

A year or two later I moved halfway across the country. I was still at a pre-driving and pre--- get-a-job-to-buy-a-plane-ticket age, and this was before the internet was really a viable thing (yeah, it was that long ago) so I was pretty much no longer existent to everyone I knew and them to me.  Over the years, I had a few girlfriends, and as it turned out all of them were between average and a lil' chunky in build, and I always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl/woman who had a hard, chiseled body with muscular definition everywhere.  Not going to lie, it does feel good being intimate with a female with a soft body, but I was always curious... more like obsessed... with how it would feel to be with someone where when you grabbed their arm or their belly, it felt like grabbing a cinder block covered in soft skin as opposed to grabbing a stress ball.  When I was in the interims between this girlfriend and that one (and to be honest, while I was with them as well) I would search for images and videos of the leanest and most defined female physiques I could, it was becoming quite the fetish.  The people that I was finding were becoming more and more muscular as well, and I was and have been developing quite the taste for that.

I finally got my wish and found myself in a relationship with a woman who was rather lean.  I defintely enjoyed the difference in feel of her, not hard but FIRM body.  Unfortunately, the reason that she had such a low level of bodyfat was not because she dieted or worked out or simply had the genetics for it, but rather because she did a lot of cocaine and that ends up being one of the tangential effects.  I can't allow that kind of influence to be in my life, so we went our separate ways. 

Even so, my tastes...preferences... desires... fetishes... have gone beyond what she had.  I've been desiring to see more and more muscle on the female frame, so much so that you can't find it in the real world - maybe in some of the largest female bodybuilders, but even then, I want to see them grow bigger... much, much bigger.  I've turned to drawings and renderings to find what I really want to see.  Some of the best content has been in female futanari models, and the extra member originally was quite the turnoff to me, but as I gave it a chance I started to mind less and less, realizing it was just a case of the "not-gays" that was turning me away, and some of those members were actually quite aesthetically pleasing... especially some of the larger ones.  So then I started searching for larger and larger muscles on futanari with larger and larger "endowments" and eventually I came across what I currently perceive as the perfect human (well, not exactly human) form.  Don't want to mention the name because I don't know how copyright works with these sorts of things, but by mentioning that it's a massively muscled half-orc whose initials are SM and has one of the largest futa-extras around, I imagine everyone at a place called Futanari Palace knows exactly who I'm talking about.  Those arms, those boobs (can't believe I talked all this long without mentioning I'm also a boob guy), those abs, the muscular thickness throughout, that face and hair, she even makes those tusks look cute, and of course that giant "blessing" of hers Wink 

  I plan on writing about SM and other muscular females (I don't know if they don't have a certain enhancement if they shouldn't be in this forum, so I'll try to stick to that.)  I've done some writing in the past but only for my own amusement, I hope it can bring some joy and pleasure to others as well.  The stories are mostly of muscle worship, FMG as well as "other" growth, erotica/sensuality - where the story has a "key" and a "keyhole" the two are probably going to meet up, but nothing in the rear of male or female (not my thing), some feats of strength but little-to-no violence, maybe some overpowering without harm.  If you've made it this far, my stuff might be for you - it's obviously not reading a post but opening a novel, but there's some pretty vivid mental pictures that can be painted by doing so.  Hope y'all enjoy!



Messages In This Thread
Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by hugefbbluvva - 8th April 2022, 00:45
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by dca5347 - 10th April 2022, 03:32
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 16th July 2022, 12:34
mid-August progress update - by hugefbbluvva - 13th August 2022, 03:20
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by nnamen - 20th August 2022, 14:25
RE: Greetings from a female muscle fan! - by hugefbbluvva - 11th December 2022, 18:30

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