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Hello there!  I am Sensuality, or Senni for short.  I'm a 33 year old female who's been writing for a very long time.  I am here primarily to share short stories, and to roleplay with other talented writers!  Some oddball things about me.....

My favorite genre's/themes
***Raypunk***:  Think He Man/She Ra/John Carter.  Techno barbarian dystopia's fraught with magic and lost knowledge?!  What isn't to love?
*Modern Fantasy:  I don't actually have a good example of what I prefer here.  But in summary, take a modern world, and slap a bunch of exotic weirdness in there.  Monsters, elves, gods, superheroes, etc.....
*Science Fiction:  Specifically grand, adventurous settings like Outlaw Star, Dragonball Z, Bleach, and Mass Effect.  I love sci fi that get's exotic and embraces the possibilities in such a setting.  

My stories and roleplays all have a similar focus, and something I've had a very difficult time finding with my partners.  I enjoy stories that contrast dark, mature themes with a bright, whimsical plot/setting.  Think One Piece, HunterxHunter.  I adore a story that is dark and violent, but also fun and adventurous.  That being said, I like smothering everything in a thick, sticky helping of erotica.  There's just something exciting about creating a well developed story with complicated characters full of raunchy interactions.  Everyone seems to think you can only have one or the other.   I DISAGREE.

Anyways.  That's me.  Looking forward to meeting some advanced/lit writers who can keep up!


Messages In This Thread
Salutations - by Sensuality - 20th September 2021, 04:22
RE: Salutations - by Lionheart8 - 28th November 2021, 05:30

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