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My, oh, my.

This quickly got awkward for me because I'm utterly terrible with introductions. But I'll see what I can do here.

Hello, lovelies. I usually go by Frost on every other forum and social platform I'm a part of, but here I decided to go with something different. I'm the Sleeping Brood, a multidimensional creature whose identity transcends space and time. Its true identity is completely unknown to everyone while the perceived one it chooses to go with for the time being until it awakens from its slumber to utterly consume the universe is a tiny small breasted lady adorned in a white gown with long purple hair draping down her back. Like myself in real life, she's mostly kept to herself, quiet, and introverted.

That's all I've got for now, but that's it. Might add more onto the Brood at some point.

Take care, everyone, and I'm glad to be here.

P.S. One Mr. asshat told me about this place and encouraged me to register.


Messages In This Thread
My, oh, my. - by Sleeping Brood - 20th January 2020, 05:20

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