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I Was Encouraged To Join Here By A Friend, So Hi!

Yeah, you appear to be the only brave one who posted an introduction here... in the introductions area.. But also this forum has been thin on activity for some time, so... yeah.

Hi there. Welcome to the Costum- er, Futanari Palace.

I don't post very often myself, so I guess I'm also guilty as charged. I was introduced to this by, er... myself? Wasn't sure what it was, wasn't sure if I liked it, wasn't sure what that meant if I did.

Still working at least some of that out, but I've largely come to the conclusions:

1. Sexuality is complex. Anyone who insists it isn't is afraid of complexity (among other things).
2. Making choices about it (yeah, I said the C-word)- as long as it harms no one- is not a thing anyone should get dumped on for. Full-stop./Did-I-flipping-stutter?

I do Roleplay (well, I think?)- though I am a partnered person (I have a partner I am very exclusive with) and feel like a lot of that scene in this community ends up being a hookup community (or maybe I fear that it is) and that's not exactly what I'm looking for.

So I guess I tend to keep that to myself quite a lot. Mostly like you I suppose I am just looking for a community where stuff like this is less likely to be judged and I don't have to play that particular card so close to my chest.

I also write (or did write? have written?), and I've even dabbled in various forms of art- though I've been away from drawing for ages.

Other than that? I'm just folk. Friendly, approachable if a bit shy/guarded sometimes.


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I Was Encouraged To Join Here By A Friend, So Hi! - by Pasha - 3rd January 2020, 03:42

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