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Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers
Hello you all,

first you might like to know who I am. For I am quite new here, and would like to bring my role-play skills to a higher level. So if someone, (it would be perfect if being a hermaphrodite) could help me with that.

I am Sethsryt Ombos, or that is what I like being named. My original and legal name is Cornelis, Shortened as Cees. But that I found rather dull, for my father, grandfather and so on are called like that. Even my grandmother, though she is called "Cor" it originates for Cornelis. Ah, I must have my creativity from my mother. xD

I am 6.3 feet, blonde hair, uncut and blue eyes. Kind of shy, but not less willing.
Some would call me an Incubi for my lust and healthy apatite. Yet others call me Satan. Ah, humans can be so fun, their chatter and social reactions. Poor fellows though, lost in taboo's of the past and in the stress of the future.

My interests are of course Futa, but also many other "hentai" genres.
Also I am into occult and paranormal "stuff". Anime and reading books, mostly "Gothic" or how do you call those Horror books with a "Victorian" taste to it? Lovely language, that old British one. But writing and drawing also have my interests, as well as playing games, making websites(Flash) and such.

I do hope some can help me improve my role-play skills. I am not really satisfied yet. As with my drawings. Ah well, please, send me a pm. My tastes are rather exotic, so I am sure we are allowed to talk.

Greetings, and may the Faeries be with you,


Messages In This Thread
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 13:04
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 13:34
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by eroiaijin - 12th May 2008, 14:43
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 14:50
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 17:41
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 18:06
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 18:07
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by OLEMIX - 12th May 2008, 18:42
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 12th May 2008, 18:44
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by SAM™ - 13th May 2008, 11:25
Greetings Fellow Futa-Worshippers - by Sethsryt - 13th May 2008, 17:36

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