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Inuyami's guide of introductions

In order to provide a healthy community if you wish it I have some ideas that could help for the newer members or lurkers to break from their shells.

1. You introduced yourself but, what are the personal interests you have that you're willing to share?
2. You seem to be fond of "X" topic, being like minded I'd like to figure out what you know about it. Maybe I could find something interesting from talking to you.
3. You were brave enough to step up and and expose yourself, this should be praised, encouraged, and appreciated.

Other notes.

Don't be afraid to give rep to anyone who posts here, I've been doing this for everyone just for posting here lately and you could do the same.

Don't be afraid to be wrong or disagree, break from your shell to interact with a stranger.

Life is funny, everyone we come across can have a profound impact on our lives outside the forum even if we accept it or not. *Think of someone who did you wrong and walk away with it as a life lesson not a reason to be resentful. #Reallifewisdom*

Remember we should remain safe and anonymous here but real talk I met one of my best friends from a futanari community over a decade ago and we still talk. *I even convinced him to join the forums* That and a fellow mod is now buddy buddy with me because we clicked.

Be polite, this can make or break how a user approaches the site. You want more people here not less.
Be thoughtful and encourage their presence, give these members the spotlight they deserve.

In closing

Play nice and behave or else I'll spank you.

No you won't like it. :19:

I will though. Smile)

Furaffinity Page. My scrubby attempt at learning to draw.

"Can't you see? I'm always. One. Step. Ahead."

Messages In This Thread
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Inuyami - 5th December 2016, 08:03
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Deus ex Machina - 6th December 2016, 06:33
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Jerberus - 4th August 2017, 16:45
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Senshi - 4th August 2017, 17:33
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Jerberus - 4th August 2017, 17:44
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Kitamurafan - 3rd March 2018, 03:02
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by alienfuta2017 - 5th March 2018, 00:00
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by Insenari - 15th August 2019, 01:00
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by dca5347 - 15th August 2019, 06:29
Inuyami's guide of introductions - by phoenixcinders - 25th January 2020, 21:32

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