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Introducing Trilby

Hi, I'm Trilby and I'm from New England, (in RP I am from the Victorian period of New England.) Trilby is my very favorite and main character in all the RP that I do and in my stories. She is a unicorn faun with more than one "horn". ;Wink

Even though Trilby is my character, she's only half of the duo in the stories my partner and I write. She is the main reason I've joined Futanari Palace, to meet others like us, and share some of our stories and artwork and screenshots from Second Life. I've been itching to share some of these stories, some parts are very sexual and some are more dramatic and mystifying! I wanted to start some kind of blog or place for stories and pictures so this is where i am going to start, hopefully with some like-minded people.

I play Second Life ALOT, been in it for over 9 years now, and would love to just make friends, hang out and maybe RP a little. However I am in a closed relationship, so please understand. We have a beautiful Victorian fantasy sim and welcome anyone to explore and RP. Message me on Aelevere Zamani if you want to chat.

I also play Blade & Soul (AKA Waifu Creator 2016 *giggle*) and Trilby exists there too. Unfortunately we are on Poharan server but if and when server transfers become available I will gladly migrate my whole wad of characters to Jiwan.

I was thinking about describing Trilby but maybe a picture would be better. There's so much to say, i'm not sure where to begin.
[Image Relic #973333 ]

Trilby: Small, pale and petite with mint green hair and eyes. Delicate doe-like hooves and a unicorn horn and tail. Mint green-tipped lightly pointed ears AND soft-furred white horses ears, (yes she has 4 ears!) She appears to be mostly female, at first glance. but her clit GROWS into a modestly sized girlcock.

Pasha: Trilby's mate for life. A big strong stallion of a futa with ruddy reddish skin, glowing golden tattoos, gold-flecked eyes, heavy draft-horse hooves and a massive horsecock.
[Image Relic #973334 ]
Nice to meet you!

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Messages In This Thread
Introducing Trilby - by Trilby - 19th November 2016, 02:42
Introducing Trilby - by Deus ex Machina - 19th November 2016, 03:19
Introducing Trilby - by Pasha - 19th November 2016, 18:35
Introducing Trilby - by Artful Submission - 19th November 2016, 19:20
Introducing Trilby - by Jigajig - 20th November 2016, 00:29
Introducing Trilby - by Inuyami - 20th November 2016, 21:37
Introducing Trilby - by Mimsli - 23rd November 2016, 03:22

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