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I have returned!

....maybe I haven't seen the insanity that is you but it would be hard to compare it to mine.......I think of myself as being of three minds before I became insane, when I was and wasn't willing to accept it, and how I am now which i've accepted the insanity in me and don't mind it at all.........

.......well yup it is serious from my "friends" well they never really were that to begin with I guess since I was different I became their target they'd act good and supposedly be my "friends while spreading rumors and doing things that they'd blame on me serious was thanks to a girl who was a real friend of mine that they were exposed to me but well it was to late by then the damage was far as my family they've always pitied me (something I can't stand) and for the longest time I couldn't understand why so when the truth came out well to say the least I felt truly betrayed that they didn't tell me sooner........well there are other things but that i'll save for some other time.............


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

Messages In This Thread
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 6th April 2008, 15:41
I have returned! - by kypd - 6th April 2008, 15:46
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 6th April 2008, 15:54
I have returned! - by Sakura-chan - 6th April 2008, 16:18
I have returned! - by vella - 6th April 2008, 16:57
I have returned! - by The Guardian - 6th April 2008, 18:13
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 01:00
I have returned! - by spacepoliceman - 7th April 2008, 05:11
I have returned! - by SAM™ - 7th April 2008, 12:41
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 16:57
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 17:03
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 18:26
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 18:31
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 18:34
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 18:38
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 18:41
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 18:46
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 18:51
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 18:53
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 18:57
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:00
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 19:02
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 19:05
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:08
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 19:11
I have returned! - by one eyed pirate - 7th April 2008, 19:12
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 19:13
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:20
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 19:26
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 19:33
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:36
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 19:41
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:45
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 19:45
I have returned! - by Lucy Lied - 7th April 2008, 19:49
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 19:55
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 19:56
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 20:03
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 20:08
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 20:19
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 20:22
I have returned! - by canundrum69 - 7th April 2008, 20:33
I have returned! - by zebeianhero - 7th April 2008, 20:38
I have returned! - by UberWezzel - 18th April 2008, 11:43

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