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Hello for the first time...

technically not however, I had an account here what feels like ages ago.

Gods its been maybe 3 or 4 years since I've been here last, but life has that funny way of just shutting things down and forcing you to start over.
So now that things have mostly stabilized hopefully I'll be able to chat, laugh, and wank with you all. I was here for what feels like a week under the username I've forgotten. Feel free to drop a line whenever and lets talk.

As a side note, has anything major happened here in the past 3 or so years? I may not have been the most involved but I would love to hear about it.


Welcome back to the craziness Big Grin


Thanks! Its good to be back with you nuts.


Welcome back to The Palace! >Big Grin<

She's Got a Way [URL=""]


Why does no one seem to understand
That it's more than love i need
It's so hard to keep your faith alive
When nobody else believes
Oh i need someone there for me
Need someone who can see
Need someone to show me
Ohhhh, that they are there to help me fight
If i fall, to set me right
Someone there to hold the light
Won't someone say
I Believe in You, Twisted Sister (Come Out and Play)

Welcome back!

What is normal for a spider, is chaos for the fly. Don't judge others because they seem weird, to them, you're just as weird.



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hello there :3

Welcome back!

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