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Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!"

Just join the forum and thought I would say "Hi!" and introduce myself.

First off, I am a 41 year old male. Figure I would be honest right at the start, mainly because I have learn about some forums, as soon as they see you as being old or male, you are pretty much excised from the group. Eww he is a male, eww he is old and that's creepy. But I am hoping to meet other people with similar interest in shemales and futa, and chat and have a good time.

I have been a fan of shemales and Futanari for many years now. To my surprise I never knew this forum existed until just a week ago. I guess that is partly my fault, as I am a closet fan. I have had to keep this interest private, away form family and friends. Yeah, I know, kind of sad. But sometimes it's hard to explain a hobby or interest to someone who doesn't know or would understand.

Now, why do I like shemales and futa? I don't know. I have spent many years trying to figure it out myself, and just couldn't find an answer. I consider myself a typical heterosexual male, I find the feminine form attractive, and the male form held no interest or desire for me. But there is something about the female form with a male cock just looks so natural and sexy to me. I guess it's the best of both worlds. Show me a picture of a naked guy with an erection and it's just "meh" to me. But take that same erection, put it on a attractive woman, and I go weak in the knees. And it would be nice to chat with people with the same perspective.

Another reason why I also wanted to introduce myself was that I saw a posting on the forums, that asked the question if you could become a futa\shemale would you? And I kind of find myself falling into the "Maybe" category. Yes, I would love to find a "MacGuffin" that would turn me into a shapely shemale with large breasts and well-endow cock and balls. But I wouldn't want to be it all the time. First of all, I am happy with who I am, yeah, I could afford to loose a few pounds, but I comfortable with my body. But to experiences something new and different, now that would be fun. In addition, I could be just the mundane me, going to work, spending time with friends and family. But come the weekend . . . PARTY!! Transform into that hot shemale, hit the clubs!! Or even stay at home and relax. Have a hard day at work, pour some wine, put on a good porn and slip into a form that is a bit more "comfortable" and "relaxing." And lastly, the final reason why I would want to be a shemale is . . well . . . damn it women have some HOT outfits! I am a big fan of Goth, steampunk and Renaissance Faire outfits! While cross-dressing holds no interest in me, there has been a few times I have seen some outfits that made me go, damn I wish I was a woman so I could wear that. For me to wear a nice under bust corset, a flowing skirt, off the shoulder blouse, and thigh high, high heel boots all in black and purple, is to become a shemale, I okay. . . I'll do it!! But once again, come Monday morning, I want to go back to being ME.

Well I hope I didn't leave a bad impression with people and hope to hear from great folks! As for chatting, I can be found on Yahoo, Skype and in World of Warcraft. I am open to any and all chats. In addition to futa\shemales, I also enjoy most transformations in general, a big conjoining\merging fan and kind of a furry fan. Lastly, just because I mention that I am heterosexual, does not mean I wont chat with guys. We are talking about the same subject and the same interest, and I would be a hypocrite for not chat with another guy, when I have been on that receiving end for many years. "Eww . . you are a dude . . I don't chat or rp with dudes!" Whatever! Hell, I have many chats\rp\cyber with another guy, and had the greatest time. So please look me up and say hi.

Love, Robynn! ( which would be my shemale name. Big Grin )

PS - Saw a post on people sharing their Blizzard battle tag. Since I am a avid WoW player, I wouldn't mind talking with other futa fans in Azeroth. Just that if you send me a friend requset, please tell me where you found my Battletag so I can put a note with your name. THANKS!

Battle Tag - Serrota#1222

PSS - If this is rambling, well sorry, but I work the overnight support for a chain of medical centers, and I normally work 4pm to 5am and well, its like 2 hours past my bed time. So time for all good shemales to get their beauty sleep. Zzzzzzz. . . .


*waves* welcome to FP

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

*smiles and waves* Their is actually a psychological study that shows one of the triggers for a typical guys mind is in fact the cock. While this obviously doesn't make all guy attracted to guys, this does mean that futanari has a high place of heterosexual male interest. I believe the research showed it was actually almost the most common, if not the most common, pornographic form viewed by heterosexual guys. I found this study interesting and may help to explain your interest. If it doesn't really, oh well. It's nice to meet you by the way, I'm Mary. *smiles and offers a hand*

no sig here
Mage4hire Wrote:*smiles and waves* Their is actually a psychological study that shows one of the triggers for a typical guys mind is in fact the cock. While this obviously doesn't make all guy attracted to guys, this does mean that futanari has a high place of heterosexual male interest. I believe the research showed it was actually almost the most common, if not the most common, pornographic form viewed by heterosexual guys. I found this study interesting and may help to explain your interest. If it doesn't really, oh well. It's nice to meet you by the way, I'm Mary. *smiles and offers a hand*

*taking the offer hand* Hi Mary, pleasure to meet you!

Thank you for the posting information, and yes, that makes some sense. Futanari images are my second most collected images, next to normal woman.

Thanks once again.

*hugs Mary back*
Sakura-chan Wrote:*waves* welcome to FP

*waves back and smiles*

Thank you Sakura-Chan

*giggles and returns the hug* More than happy too! I love learning about psychology and what's the use of knowing it if you don't apply it in real life?

no sig here

Welcome to the Palace!

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.
Mage4hire Wrote:*giggles and returns the hug* More than happy too! I love learning about psychology and what's the use of knowing it if you don't apply it in real life?
That is so True! Hope to keep in touch with you. Smile
Love Doll Mariska Wrote:Welcome to the Palace!

Thank you Lady Mariska.



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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