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I'm NEW and a young Futa-Fan

Hi Techmyke here,
so..... i'm new here and i don't know how things work here, but I do my BEST :217:

I think I'll start to introduce myself, i live in Germany and i'm still a student in a school (and yeah i can speak german)

How did I meet Futanari?
It was a long time ago when i started with porn and hentai , just straight stuff at first, then my girlfriend broke up with me.
That's when everything went down, i watch porn/hentai like a BOSS, came multiple times a day, can't sleep without cumming once, i am addicted to porn.
Days past, Weeks past, then Years pasted, every Girl i go out with, always turn me down. I was depressed, i was thinking maybe my destiny was to be Gay, so i check out some Gay Yaoi and Shota porn. Soon enough i was jerking to it too. Then i stumbled over a Hentai (Bible Black) that showed a woman with a Dick, i was SO turned on like mad. After that i soon figured out their name, FUTANARI. The next thing i knew, i was only watching Hentai with futanari in it and reading Doujinshi, I really like Futas.
I never told this to anybody , of course. Nobody knows I am halfway Bi, i just keep it for me till now.

Two days ago i was googeling for more Doujinshi, that's when i found this website.
I never knew there was so many people interested in this stuff, i was so HAPPY and wanted to be part of it. Making Friends and stuff.
Please treat me well ^^
If you got some good Doujinshi for me or Hentais, then don't hesitate Wink

Well thats it, Nice to meet you, i hope we get along pretty well ^^

PS: I watch basically anything except BDSM and gore stuff.
I am interested in Roleplay too, but i'm new in it too^^


Greetings sand feel free to ask anything you want, we are all friendly here


YeAh BrAh, It'S a PrEtTy CoOl PlAcE. bUt Ya'Ll ShOuLdN't Up AnD gIvE uP oN fInDiN' sOmEoNe YoU cAn Be AlL uP aNd LoVeY dOvEy WiTh. MiGhT sEeM lIkE iT'd TaKe A mIrAcLe, BuT mIrAcLeS hApPeN eVeRyDaY, fRiEnD. :O)

GlennGarth Wrote:YeAh BrAh, It'S a PrEtTy CoOl PlAcE. bUt Ya'Ll ShOuLdN't Up AnD gIvE uP oN fInDiN' sOmEoNe YoU cAn Be AlL uP aNd LoVeY dOvEy WiTh. MiGhT sEeM lIkE iT'd TaKe A mIrAcLe, BuT mIrAcLeS hApPeN eVeRyDaY, fRiEnD. :O)

I want to choke you for that lol

Welcome to the site Myke! I'm sure you will have plenty of fun here. BEsides futas, what are some other things you enjoy?
If I ask you to have sex with me, will the answer to that question be the same as the one to


*waves* Hi there!

Check my profile for status updates!


SMS World:
[/URL]Sex, Magic, and Suntan Lotion
(My main story)
Meteor Showers(Dani, Sami, Natalie)
Day-at-the-Beach (Dani, Tyler*, Riley*) [URL=""]
Oakcrest Academy: Oakcrest A&P [/URL](Zoey, et al.)


Candace Can't Win
Sisters' Secrets
The Freshman Challenge!

welcome!! enjoy yourself everyday ^^
feel free to say hello ♥ anytime~


Thanks Dave1^^
and well...
i enjoy really anything, regular porn, tranny porn, Yaoi hentai, i really like shotacon und lolicon :212:
(sry maybe it's weird -.-') and scat (not when they puke though)

What kind of fetish do you like?


THaT's RigHt BrO
mIrAcLeS ArE eVeRyWhEre

Honk :O)


Don't worry about being new to the RP scene, we all started out as newbies ourselves.

Plenty of us are willing to give you some help getting started, I'm sure.


Welcome Big Grin yeah dont worry about being new to Rp i am to but its fun here


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