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So I'm New and Everything...

  1. "Who Are You?"
    [INDENT]I'm 'DarthOmix' and have only been roleplaying as a whole for about two-to-three years now...[/INDENT]
  2. "Where are you from?"
    [INDENT]Northeastern United States[/INDENT]
  3. "What's up with that nick of yours?"
    [INDENT]Long story, started with RuneScape a couple years ago. At the time I was addicted with the cult-hit game "Maximo" from CAPCOM and was thinking of making a fanfiction about it, I was big into fanfictions before I started roleplaying, and was making a doppelgänger for Maximo cleverly named "Omixam". It didn't really fit well into RuneScape when I went to make a character so I took my other big interest at the time, Star Wars, and tried "Darth Omixam" but the character limit for names at the time was shorter than that. So I shortened it to "Darth Omix" and have been using some derivative of it all over the place ever since.[/INDENT]
  4. "What do you like about futanari?"
    [INDENT]The whole concept of duality. Being both male and female at the same time. The "prototypical perfect human being" as some call it.[/INDENT]
  5. "What got you interested in the first place?"
    [INDENT]Porn and hentai. That's what got me into futanari. Also, I heard someone mention it at some point....I forget where...[/INDENT]
  6. "What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
    [INDENT]I'm not really sure.......[/INDENT]
  7. "Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"
    [INDENT]I've read both and only have the question of: If I accidentally violate something (most likely the DNP List) will I at least be warned beforehand?[/INDENT]
  8. "What sections are you most excited about exploring?" (Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?)
    [INDENT]I wouldn't mind trying out all of them![/INDENT]
  9. "What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
    [INDENT]I think it was a comment on a picture on Gelbooru or something...[/INDENT]
  10. "Anything else you might like to add?"
    [INDENT]I don't really think so...[/INDENT]
  11. "Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
    [INDENT]Writing, trying to make an Adobe Flash Game/Movie, playing games...[/INDENT]
  12. "Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
  13. "Last words before we pass final judgment?"

Welcome home.

We are very glad to have a new member to contribute to our little fun house.

Thank you for joining us.



Futa. Futa never changes.


It depends on the violation, but there aren't any you can "accidentally" get involved with that carry a massive punishment. If you slip up with a DNP, you'll probably get a minor infraction which will decay over time. We want you to take the infractions and rules seriously, but we don't want you to live in delusional fear of receiving one.

So relax. If you happen to slip up, an infraction isn't the end of the world. Just don't wallow in them and you should be fine.

Welcome to the forums ^^

Avatar by Cheezyweapon
Sig Pics by Cheezyweapon, Ittybittybadkitty, and Bishiebunny
Sig by Ittybittybadkitty

As I said in your VM's, good to meet you. And nice background story~


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hi Darth! I'm so glad you found your way to the Palace, it's wonderful getting to know you better!

*hugs and kisses*
-Miss Tao

Life is a beautiful adventure...

Come stroll through my new album for Scooby fans - The Mystery Machine (Warning! Contains beastiality, monsters, yuri, forced sex, and spooky themes!)

Welcome to the Palace! I am sure you'll find the roleplaying connections you are looking for.

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.


Just kidding! Welcome to the palace! We have everything you need, so long as you don't pee in the pool! Or fall down th-! -falls down the stairs-


Wow.. What an intro... *Shakes my head* Welcome to Fp! ^^


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