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I feel safe here.....

Yo everyone. Call me Doug if you like.

I'm sort of coming to terms with this fetish of mine once again, some may call it strange, but it's cool to see there's a community out there for people like me!

I'm really into the Roleplaying scene, send me a message if you wanna do something!

Glad to be here!:15:


Welcome, Doug! You are safe here. Hey, what's that behind you?

*nicks Doug's wallet*

Hmmm, guess it was nothing... well, I gotta go. Have fun around the Palace. Bye!


welcome doug how are you? *hugs and goes to pick pocket you grabbing nothing thinking "damnit, already been hit"* well i hope you feel at home *skips off*

For which as a writer do i decide that a story is over? do i claim to have a magical power to understand everything with the first step. or do i look at it like an explorer does with his first step into the unknown. for when i put my pen to paper, for the most part. i am venturing into a world. i world i know about as well as everyone else. there may be some who make their maps ahead of time for their worlds. My worlds scream to be free. if i make the maps before venturing then the stories can only ever stay to that map. they can only ever stay to that line. I myself cannot limit that. i must let the story lead me as i much as i lead it, but that's just me.

Is this yours?

'Hands a wallet'

I found it left on the floor.

Two other things. DAT AVATAR and welcome.


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every
BE FEARLESS AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. But yeah, rarely will you find such a cool and accepting and loving community as this one. Welcome to the palace, bro.

I second GlennGarth's comments.
Not because I particularly agree with him, but because this seems to be a thread for nicking things and I cannot come up with anything original to say.Big Grin
Seriously though he's absolutely right.

Anonymous Free Speech can bring out the best and worst in us all. I prefer to think that this is my best, but that is for you to judge.

My Stories Dave and the Princk Mistresses (Complete)
Dave and Claudia - Foiling The Fellowship (on hold)
And Then I Saw The Moon (Chapter 2, on hold)
Other Projects

Oncardam, the Meek Geek

We're very glad to have you, and hope you're just as glad to have us.

Welcome home, love.


Welcome to the Palace, Doug! I hope you find exactly what you are in need of here.

Communication provides knowledge, knowledge gives power, and there is no greater power than an earth-shaking orgasm.
Ms. Sunday;816459 Wrote:We're very glad to have you, and hope you're just as glad to have us.

Welcome home, love.

Thank you very much.

As soon as I find a good roleplay partner on the site, I think I'll be set!

Also, the jokes on you guys, I didn't have a wallet on me at all! it was just a flesh-eating crab-monster that disguises itself as a wallet!

Aw crap.

That's where my hand went.

And if you ever want a roleplay, look me up and we'll talk. ^^


My avatar's lady is by mond(pixiv50147) and my sigs lady is by upside down~ Credit to their awesome work~

And a forewarning, before we chat~ If you ever wish to RP with me, I'll ask two questions of you. How old are you and do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? The first is I don't RP with young ones, those below eighteen, my optimal age twenty plus. And the second, I refuse to be the cause to a strained relationship between two. I'm alright with open relationships, to a degree, but I am not a party to cheating. These are my principles and despite my want sometimes to have none, that is what I define myself by. I hope you understand. ^^ Click 'ere to see if serving as a slave is your kinda thing~ Jobs there and every

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