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Rawr! I surprise buttsex you! (Its not rape because I yelled 'surprise')

I cud do butt sex all day long.... :212:


What is with the random male junk avatars? If you do not want to show your face fine, but I would rather see your face than your junk. I never, ever understood the male fasicination with just sticking up a picture of their dick and calling it a day. I have never seen any women sticking up random pictures of just their junk. (Boobs maybe, which I think is much different because in many places around the world they are on public display anyway.)

Anyway, my point is that it upsets my ero tummy, and makes it grumbly. Harumph!
I am back for more ero-RPing! So give me something yummy for my ero tummy! *Cheshire grin.*

My F-list


Who knows... :x


What is with the random male junk avatars? If you do not want to show your face fine, but I would rather see your face than your junk. I never, ever understood the male fasicination with just sticking up a picture of their dick and calling it a day. I have never seen any women sticking up random pictures of just their junk. (Boobs maybe, which I think is much different because in many places around the world they are on public display anyway.)

Anyway, my point is that it upsets my ero tummy, and makes it grumbly. Harumph!

Heh, this reminds me of a forum I used to frequent where this one guy made an avatar from the statue David. But avatar was just a picture of the statue's penis. Drama ensued and in the end the guy had to change his avatar because certain people couldn't handle looking at a marble penis. That was pretty much the end of me spending any time at that forum.

In defense of most guys, I think very few guys (as a percentage) use photos of their own cocks as avatars. For me, this is a futa site, therefor I prefer to see futa avatars.
It was really just the two in a row thing that bothered me. It was one, then another one. Then as Bender says "Gag unto me with a spoon."
I am back for more ero-RPing! So give me something yummy for my ero tummy! *Cheshire grin.*

My F-list


Welcome Celestine. I've seen that pic before, but I must say that your avatar is the best succubus evar. <3

Celestine Wrote:It was really just the two in a row thing that bothered me. It was one, then another one. Then as Bender says "Gag unto me with a spoon."

On this site I'm pretty sure that a spoon wouldn't most people's first choice of things to gag you with.

Greetings and Welcome


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