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Introducting ~Late~

Alright well Ive been a member since May of 2008. Its needless to say that this is loooong overdue. But I officially now will be posting on the forum much more ^_^

Welllll Im not sure exactly what to post about myself. I can start with the basics I guess.
For starters my name is Myke. I can be well defined as a nerd given I enjoy playing games most of my time. I play mostly computer games and some console. I am 5' 11" and a little heavier. I enjoy my anime alot of course or I probably wouldnt be a fan of this site xP. Ive watched many and countless animes. I am currently employed as a busser and am going to Tri-State for Computer Secutiry and Forensics. I have a girl friend who is currently 4 months pregnant and the due date is Oct 30th. Trying to keep it one more day so its halloween xD I obviously enjoy sex... Alot... or I wouldnt be here or have a kid on the way. Im an easy person to get along with so if youd like you can always message me or anything. But all in all.

Hello FP!!! I will enjoy my stay!

Insane people do insane things, while normal people do normal things. Now which sounds more FUN?

For me PG -
More me AO -

Great,Super!, EXCELLENT!!!
Another Lurker!
Thought I was the only one! heheheheehehe....:189:


Well, welcome to the world of posting and participating XD !!


Well for some reason I had swore that one point I had posted on here... I was sadly mistaken... But yes I guess that means I was a lurker. So no!!! You were not the only one! >) And yes participating is fun ^_^

Insane people do insane things, while normal people do normal things. Now which sounds more FUN?

For me PG -
More me AO -


Congrats on the first step in the long journey through De-lurkization!

Heh. Late is always better than never.

Keep up the good posting and you'll be good!

From Rikko with love, Tongue


Haha De-lurkization does sound like it shall be quite the journey. Luckily I have a whole community to take the journey with!!! And yea late is better then never.. Can deffinately agree. ~Yush~

Insane people do insane things, while normal people do normal things. Now which sounds more FUN?

For me PG -
More me AO -

It might be a late one but still its good to post a intro even though you been here for a while and welcome to the palace =3.


welcome to the light side Tongue




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome Myke! I can tell you are cool because you use a "y" instead of an "i" in your name.


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