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How do I shot web ¯\(°_o)/¯

Hey everyone Big Grin Nice to meet ya. I'm looking forward to doing some rping here (though I haven't done that much rping before so I'm still pretty new to it Tongue) I'm also looking forward to sharing some of my own futa collection and making new friends. >Big Grin<

Btw sorry about the random title I just wanted to do something different :p


hello Ichiban and welcome to the palace...
i hope you will have fun with all the wonderful people here



Welcome to FP


LOL, TVtropes trope as thread title

Males and females are not unlike two asymmetrical halves of a single object.
They are never equal, and those who pretend they are, are fools of natural order.

Alarm & Shark> Thank you ^^
Raven> I didn't even know of that site until I googled it just now XD


Just be careful : learning tropes from the site can be HIGHLY addicting OvO

Males and females are not unlike two asymmetrical halves of a single object.
They are never equal, and those who pretend they are, are fools of natural order.

Apparently, according to the first page. XD


Lol its one of the memes i know as well on the topic name and welcome to the palace =3.




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Brian> Thank you ^^ I'm not even sure where I learned the meme, I probably just picked it up after seeing it around on the interwebz allot

Guardian> Thank you Big Grin Nice avatar and sig btw.


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