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Well, just like other users i'm coming here after a few years... of leech *blushes*
it seems that i took some time to gather the courage to post something in here but finally i'm entering into this mysterious and magical place (ok ok, too corny)
i'm willing to make friends and hope to have a good time in this forum ^^

oh and sorry if there is something wrong with my english, it's not my first language ^^U in case anyone wants to know, my first is Spanish

y aprovecho para decirle a cualquier hispano hablante que lea esto que no tenga miedo de contactarme, me encantaria poder conocer gente con gustos similares a los mios y que hable español... se sabe que no hay muchas comunidades españolas amantes del futa Tongue

and well, that's all... please, ask whatever you want ^^
pm or leave something into my profile (yes, i'm incredibly friendly, so go ahead)


You'll be fine here, people are nice and it isnt to hard to get the hang of things.

I am paranoid. >.>

welcome to the palace
watch out for the wild futas and you should be fine! Smile


Welcome on FP.


Like it was said, you'll be fine here!

And you're english is ok to me!



Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

thanks to everyone!

so.. I will be ok as long as i take care of my rear? sounds pretty good to my, even with the wild futas craving for fresh meat >.>U

and now... let's see if i can attract more users with this... *puts up a piece of wood and then writes on it "free candy with every greeting"* that's it...

see you around!

PD: oh and thanks Guardian ^^ i'm trying to improve my english every day


Looking good!

Keep it up!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hi and welcome to FP =3.


Hola! Don't worry, your English is better than any second language I've attempted.

Now, where's my candy?


i knew it! They are all doing it for the candies >.>
*searches under the table and takes a bucket full of odd looking candies*
now... pick one please... *offering them with a mischievous grin*


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