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Lurker cringing at his first sight of sun
#1's really bright out here x.x

Hello citizens of FP (over-dramatic phrase ftw). I'm a short-time lurker (been a month or so...I forget) and I've admittedly been lying around mostly to follow the Slave Maker updates. It was also Slave Maker that brought me here.

Now there's a very mysterious and deep reason why I've come out of lurking at this very moment. Careful, this may be a little too shocking for most people.

Now that I've shocked the few who dared (or made them laugh, how would I know), a little bit about myself.

I'm male. Yeah, scary I know.

I'm an avid fan of Japanese RPGs, anime and manga. I also happen to find them great source of hentai-worthy women (both futa and non-futa).

I used to do a lot of roleplay (never anything adult believe or not XD), but hit a dry spell almost a year ago. I am considering getting started over here, so note to all RPers: I have much experience playing males, especially slightly devious/dominating/cruel/etc. type of male and have some experience with playing females. I also don't have any gender preferences really for those I play with (pun intended), so if you play futa, female, or even male, I can find a way to work it (once again, pun intended).

If it hasn't been made dreadfully obvious, I also have an overpowering (and sometimes sarcastic) sense of humor. Parentheses are my friends as I like to append my OOC talk with minor jokes. If they ain't funny...well everyone has their rough ones eh.

Now if you've actually made it all the way down here, I must say I'm surprised. You deserve some form of sugary reward (most like cookies). Go procure yourself that reward ASAP.

Anyways I've yakked long enough. Hello again to all who will pay notice, and I'll go find myself some sunglasses x.x

hello KyoKisaka and welcome here to FP that was a gasser of a laugh introduction thanks very much for such a good laugh lol. Enjoy your lurking, think you left your sunglasses in the spoiler lol Big Grin

My sig is drawn by my friend Zuzu and colored by me, the character is mine her name is Tifa (Lily) Lilanne Marx.
I do write I shared one story here buried somewhere, I also draw and have a thread round here somewhere. Happy Searching ;p
Follow your dreams with much practice and hard work and watch those dreams unfold little by little, always be proud of your progress along the way. Have a Smiley Day ^^. Proud owner of the lurkers paradise Futanari Zoo =^.^=

Oh good, I made someone laugh! I was actually worried an angry mob would gather to protest my less-than-stellar humor and proceed to run me out using the most cruel and unusual punishments FP can provide (which I estimate are varied, painful and possibly pleasurable).


hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap
KyoKisaka Wrote:

Crap Sad(

And welcome Wink
Tongueyong26:"Im taking over onion head! Leave town!":114:
:202: "You could'nt possibly defeat me!" Tongueyong6:
Tongueyong26:"What were you saying again?":210:

"FP has a mascot!" :67:

Welcome to FP Kisaka >Big Grin<

Translate Japanese games

[URL=""]Another Japanese game translation tool

Observation: You lurked for a small amount of time before revealing yourself out of boredom.

Observation: You have a great amount of RP experience, but not as much with sexual RPs.

Obervation: You enjoy JRPG's, anime, and manga.

Observation: You have an odd, sarcastic sense of humor (that overuses parantheses).

Observation: You usually play a cruel, domineering type character in RPs.

Conclusion: You are my clone.


A clone?

Then who is the evil one?




Good to know LurkerOfFour

Now to go off, maybe find myself somewhere to RP.


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