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A New Face for a New Place

Welcome to FP.



* Female members feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat. They are welcomed.

* * For those interested, info about my avatar has been kindly given in a visitor message so check my profile for further information. Please don't PM about it. Thanks.

* * * Check out if you ever get really bored one day.

* * * * Special thanks to Bea for saving my computer's life.

Sup, welcome to FP! ^^

If I chose how Im supposed to die, Ill be surrounded by a ton of almighty ganja nd I'll proudly say these exact words:
:184: "Awwwwwsoooome!"

[URL="StrokeAce" p4p blog][/URL]
~Yo, check out my story!(Green Venom series) Chapters 1-5 is completed.
(A Spider Caught In Yarn)

~RP ideas if anyone's interested:(Wanna RP Anyone?)

~My Futa/Fem image thread! (
Futa on women)

The Incredible Multi-RolePlayer gives his regards and welcomes you to the wonderful place, Futanari Palace, the best place on the net for all the open-minded people.

Duel Wrote:The Incredible Multi-RolePlayer gives his regards and welcomes you to the wonderful place, Futanari Palace, the best place on the net for all the open-minded people.
I admit, I'm rather curious as to the way you title yourself.
Why... "multi" in particular?

Fiction ~ Secreted & Anointed : Part 1 , Part 2
Of Shale & Shade : Whole
Last Encounter : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Unexpected Results : Whole
The Hounds : Whole
The Three Curses of Onia Renemede : All Parts
RP Profile Listing

Magnanimous Wrote:I admit, I'm rather curious as to the way you title yourself.
Why... "multi" in particular?

Look at my sigg, does that help? if not...

Duel Wrote:Look at my sigg, does that help? if not...

Well... I guess that does rather clarify matters. I mean, I'm no stranger to juggling a few at the same time myself (at least in the past, though not for a long while now)... but that is quite an impressive magnitude.

Fiction ~ Secreted & Anointed : Part 1 , Part 2
Of Shale & Shade : Whole
Last Encounter : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Unexpected Results : Whole
The Hounds : Whole
The Three Curses of Onia Renemede : All Parts
RP Profile Listing


What can I say...I have a lot of free time, a lot of good memory and a good imagination.

Duel Wrote:What can I say...I have a lot of free time, a lot of good memory and a good imagination.
Always useful things to have.
I rather wish I had as much free time as I used to... but alas it is not meant to be. The working world can be a cruel mistress, even when it pays well.

I always had a knack for surreal and unusual characters, personally... for thinking well outside the box. A somewhat one-track mind limited my ability for playing multiple characters in real-time, though it becomes a bit of a simpler matter post-wise on message boards such as these. And of course my natural tendency toward the verbose rarely goes awry. ^_^

Fiction ~ Secreted & Anointed : Part 1 , Part 2
Of Shale & Shade : Whole
Last Encounter : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Unexpected Results : Whole
The Hounds : Whole
The Three Curses of Onia Renemede : All Parts
RP Profile Listing


Hello And Welcome


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