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I was here before I believe, couple years ago but never did anything.
I finally started to really wonder what happened to the Life of Sara today so I googled and found this place. Tried to login, no dice.
I'm just your run of the mill anime/gaming/computer nerd with an obsession with cyberpunk and likes to run.
I like pizza and futa robots or AIs.


Basically, I decided to put Life Of Sara library (all the doujins that were posted there) here cause honestly, I didn't have the time anymore for managing that site.

So basically, LOS and FP merged, you could say!

Welcome to FP, by the way!

Enjoy your stay with us!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

welcome to fp echoninja, hope ya enjoy yer stay....


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

Sup, welcome to FP! ^^

If I chose how Im supposed to die, Ill be surrounded by a ton of almighty ganja nd I'll proudly say these exact words:
:184: "Awwwwwsoooome!"

[URL="StrokeAce" p4p blog][/URL]
~Yo, check out my story!(Green Venom series) Chapters 1-5 is completed.
(A Spider Caught In Yarn)

~RP ideas if anyone's interested:(Wanna RP Anyone?)

~My Futa/Fem image thread! (
Futa on women)

The Incredible Multi-RolePlayer gives his regards and welcomes you to the wonderful place, Futanari Palace, the best place on the net for all the open-minded people.


Welcome to the palace Wink

Tongueyong26:"Im taking over onion head! Leave town!":114:
:202: "You could'nt possibly defeat me!" Tongueyong6:
Tongueyong26:"What were you saying again?":210:

"FP has a mascot!" :67:

welcome to the palace!


Welcome on FP.


Welcome to FP.

For those who play with fire. My old sig Pic.


* Female members feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat. They are welcomed.

* * For those interested, info about my avatar has been kindly given in a visitor message so check my profile for further information. Please don't PM about it. Thanks.

* * * Check out if you ever get really bored one day.

* * * * Special thanks to Bea for saving my computer's life.

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