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And in the mornin', I'm makin'...

HeyBig Grin, how are ya'll? Some of you might know me as t3h h4xx0r from 0bsidian. Or you might not. Either way, fun times for all.Wink


hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

welcome and do enjoy your stay.



Welcome, and have fun X3


Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay with us!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

WellleeeCOoommmmeeee MATEEEEEEEEE!!!


welcome aboardSmile

enjoy your stay

[SIZE=2]Hey, I wish I had my way,Cause everyday would be a Friday[/SIZE]

[Image: samsigv2ud8ry5.png]

Welcome to the family, Waffles! :p

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."
- Joseph Stalin

Made by Minizila just for me. :3

Perfect! I like waffles. Welcome to the board.


Yay! I feel the love! Just as a warning, I will try to stay as active as possible, but there are times where I get extremely busy and fall into "lurker-mode". These periods can last anywhere from weeks to, in rare cases, almost a year.


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