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Hello There =^.^=

HI thar ^_^

~For the love of source with your pics!!~

Welcome to the family. Big Grin

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."
- Joseph Stalin

Made by Minizila just for me. :3

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

Welcome to FP, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Hiyas and welcome. I'm pretty new myself, but everyone's really nice and friendly, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask someone.
Big Grin

The picture you see is no portait of me
It's too real to be shown to someone I don't know
And it's driving me wild
Makes me act like a child


Hello, and hi Big Grin


Hello, Coolgal1987xxx, and welcome to the dark side. Remember that we have cookies, and the board works best if they're enabled.

Anyway, enjoy your stay here.


welcome aboard and enjoy your stay.

Edit: i like your avatarSmile


Coolgal1987xxx Wrote:Hi there! Im just new to the site and it looks great, cant wait to meet people and look at my favorite thing...Futa! ^^

Anyway, have fun and I hope I get to know some of you better! Wink

It wouldnt be right if i didnt say hi....
I can hear your thoughts!

but it's wrong to say hi 2 months later. :p

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."
- Joseph Stalin

Made by Minizila just for me. :3

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