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Hello there!  I am Sensuality, or Senni for short.  I'm a 33 year old female who's been writing for a very long time.  I am here primarily to share short stories, and to roleplay with other talented writers!  Some oddball things about me.....

My favorite genre's/themes
***Raypunk***:  Think He Man/She Ra/John Carter.  Techno barbarian dystopia's fraught with magic and lost knowledge?!  What isn't to love?
*Modern Fantasy:  I don't actually have a good example of what I prefer here.  But in summary, take a modern world, and slap a bunch of exotic weirdness in there.  Monsters, elves, gods, superheroes, etc.....
*Science Fiction:  Specifically grand, adventurous settings like Outlaw Star, Dragonball Z, Bleach, and Mass Effect.  I love sci fi that get's exotic and embraces the possibilities in such a setting.  

My stories and roleplays all have a similar focus, and something I've had a very difficult time finding with my partners.  I enjoy stories that contrast dark, mature themes with a bright, whimsical plot/setting.  Think One Piece, HunterxHunter.  I adore a story that is dark and violent, but also fun and adventurous.  That being said, I like smothering everything in a thick, sticky helping of erotica.  There's just something exciting about creating a well developed story with complicated characters full of raunchy interactions.  Everyone seems to think you can only have one or the other.   I DISAGREE.

Anyways.  That's me.  Looking forward to meeting some advanced/lit writers who can keep up!


Hi there! Welcome! I just recently returned to FP after being away for such a long time. XD
I don't know if this site is very active since I'm currently browsing around. XD

I'm also an oddball. I have a very wild imagination to boot. It's hard to find RP partners now a days, and even back then.
I usually do most of the writing while many of the players reply with one liners, and I did my best to improvise or make stuff up as I go, but after awhile it became too one sided and I quickly exhausted any ideas as to where to go from there. XD

But as a result, I ended up drawing a futa comic, where I can freely explore all the hot possibilities I could imagine, and thought of an ideal futa world. When I read the genres that you enjoyed, it seems similar to the idea I had in mind more or less. But I guess I'll share a general synopsis of what I've been working on.

The futa comic is a traditional art work, since I'm not very good with digital drawing. ^^;
It's called, "Reyna the Futa Elf". It's a simple title, for lack of a better name at the time.

The genre is a mix of sci-fi/fantasy

Reyna is the protagonist. A futa elf, in a...oh wait, I just realized dystopian is opposite to utopian. ...XD
Well, Reyna is from a Utopian world dominated by futa of every creature imaginable. It takes place in a
post Apocalypse, where men and technology are long forgotten. A world wide chemical war broke out which wiped
most of humanity, and the chemicals in the atmosphere caused the survivors to evolve into futanari's down to the animals.
The oxygen they breath has a form of aphrodesiac that causes every creature on earth to be highly sexually active. So much so, that
the hunting for food becomes very rare, and their body fluids became a new source of nourishment to one another.

I'm still working on the world building as I go along. It's hard to explain it all in a nutshell, mostly because I've been very busy making ends meet. it's hard to keep track of the content of what I want to put in the story world. But this is more or less the gist of her world.

Reyna, like all the other creatures in her world is a nudist. Though she does sport a ribbon that ties her hair into a pony tail. She travels around the world on her futa dragon and companion, name Shimera. They both go on all sorts of erotic adventures. her occupation is a sex hunter. her and her companion are always off on an adventure to hump or breed exotic creatures, and even later join a sex guild, where they look at bulletin boards of rare creatures to search and breed with. XD But that's just one of many other creative aspects I wanted to explore. Other aspects also include, ideal breeding farms, and houses made of bricks with cement cum, due to advance alchemy and science and a bit of magic.

I actually posted some literature here but I don't know if it's still around, since the web site's major changes and all. But in any case, I was planning to possibly post my traditional drawing comics here. It's just a fun side project I've been working on, but I hardly had enough time to thoughtfully world build it like I wanted to. Too many real life obligations now a days. But role plays was what actually inspired the idea, and since then, I pretty much ran with the idea, and added stuff as I went.

I like to explore all kinds of fetishes in the story, and even add some humor to it.
One of the funny ideas I recently worked on in a chapter of my comic was how Reyna encountered a tribe of futa monkeys, and gets bound and taken to participate in a Mad Max parody version of "Thunderdome", only it's called "Fapper Dome" Reyna goes into a caged bungi match with the futa monkey Queen, in a bout where they have to make their opponent cum first. The one that cums, loses the match and must succumb to the conditions that was made. There would be a funny chanting too. "Two futa enter! One futa cum!" So eventually, Reyna technically beats the monkey Queen, but in the process, she cums. Then someone shouts, "She busted a nut!" The monkey Queen is like, "You all know the rules! Bust a nut! Face the wheel!" LOL There's more to it, but that's as far as I went with the idea. I'm still working on that particular comic chapter. Pretty funny huh?

I'm still trying to figure out this new web site, so I'm not sure how to go about posting my futa comic here. But in the mean time, I do occasionally enjoy some fun roleplay when ever I could manage the time. Too many people have flocked to F-List or Discord, with the preference of active texting. I prefer notes since it gives me time to be creative in my literary approach, and even recap on what ever previous notes was written to go on.

Oh and in the Fapperdome battle, they use some funny weapons like dildo spears and vibrator batons. XD I can't wait to draw those scenarios, but it's one of many other funny ideas I had cooked up. XD

Sorry for the lengthy texting. I had a lot in mind and it's been a long while since I reached out to anyone here on FP.


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