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If you encounter any irregularities, bugs or other problems on the Forum, please post in this tread stating what the bug or other problem is. Be sure to include what web browser you are using so we can eliminate the possibility of the browser being part of the problem.


I can't access or see most of the forums in general.


you are probably already aware of this issue but just incase you arent. im getting denied to view threads due to permissions. im using google chrome on iphone


Same as previous two.


I've tinkered with forum permissions, should be working now. If not, try clearing your cookies and cache. If you still can't view anything, let me know what you can see.


Currently cannot see any content forums ie stories, images. iPhone safari.


Hello there, long time lurker here. Just cleared cookies and cache (do it regularly anyway); while I can see all categories, I still can't access most of the forum. It seems the only forum categories I can visit without being told I have no permissions are News, Commissions in the Artists' Room, and How To in The Testing Chamber. If it helps, I'm using Firefox on a PC, with private browsing enabled.


I can now see all the forums, but I cannot see threads in any forum. Able to post, but not able to see what I post either~


I did the cookie clear and I still cannot see everything like before.

Forum Permissions are a known issue and Echoen is currently working on them. Check back periodically over the next 24 hours to see if you have access.

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