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As per sticky: a thread of my very own for introduction.

I've been hanging around for a while with a username, browsing a few of the fora, and decided I might want to post a few replies to some threads here and there sometimes, so I might as well be polite and introduce myself.

So, hello, I'm a 26 year old man living in the Netherlands, and have, obviously some interest in the whole concept of futanari. There's not a real lot I've seen, read, or whatnot, so I'd like in advance to excuse myself for any stupidities.
So, why am I here, or, more accurately, how did I came to like the whole futanari-concept? When I first found out about the existence of shemales I was utterly fascinated by them, as they seemed to be both real and unreal at the same time. This fascination was purely technical: I wondered, and still wonder, how their bodies and thoughts function, hormonally and emotionally. The fascination almost immediately took on a more erotic form when I learned about 'full' futanari, being those with both a working penis and testes as well as a vagina and uterus, even though I'll admit that, aesthetically, I think this whole collection of genitals tends to draw the middle portion of the body out of proportions. As to why they became a fantasy I can, I guess, quite honestly answer that it was the pure fact of them being utterly and completely unreal: in a sense it's a very 'safe' fantasy to have, as you'll never be tempted in 'real' life.

When browsing through the fora I noticed that most contributors here are quite frank and open, and this I really like. Specifically, I noticed how many talked quite openly about their own intimate relationships, using them as a reference. So, here's my five cents about my own history in that department (and much more than five cents it won't be): I'm a real late-bloomer, and have had up until now a grand total of one relationship, who was also my only sexual partner to date. Sadly, she broke up with me, and from then on I planned to remain a bachelor and live in celibacy. No wild stories from real life from me can thus be expected.

Well, this should be enough for an introduction, I guess. Please do post any questions or remarks.




It is better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt. (mark twain)

When I cut my finger, that's a tragedy. When you fall down a manhole and die, that's a comedy. (Mel Brooks)

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity (Robert Heinlein)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein)

Dag leifje! Ik echt gelove dat u zal vindt het hier erg gezellig.


X's and O's

I wrote my first short story:
The Promise

Here's my second effort:
Trudy's Travails

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap

Welcome! You're really old! (He says, to the guy 4 years younger...)

Enjoy the place.



[SIZE=2]Hey, I wish I had my way,Cause everyday would be a Friday[/SIZE]

[Image: samsigv2ud8ry5.png]

Many thanks for all replies so far. (Should I use this 'thanks'-button for this? I'm not quite sure what that one's about.)

Avia Wrote:Dag leifje! Ik echt gelove dat u zal vindt het hier erg gezellig.

Hey, thanks for that one! (It's not completely correct, but close enough for me to make out what's not correct, which is a good thing.)

Rafael367 Wrote:Welcome! You're really old! (He says, to the guy 4 years younger...)

It's scary, isn't it? Usually being about three generations removed from the gist of users of fora and chat-sites? Though, if there's any place one probably find a higher average age, it would be a community like this one, dedicated, to be blunt, to pornography.
In any case, you now know who to write to if you just want to talk about slowly getting bald, worn, and decrepit. I'm there with you.
leifje Wrote:Many thanks for all replies so far. (Should I use this 'thanks'-button for this? I'm not quite sure what that one's about.)

Yep. Any post that you simply want to acknowledge your appreciation- you can 'thank' rather than make a new post. And if you have more to say- then do both.

leifje Wrote:Hey, thanks for that one! (It's not completely correct, but close enough for me to make out what's not correct, which is a good thing.)

My parents are Dutch. I can't spell it very well and my grammar is often wrong but my pronunciation is pretty good, I'm told. I have no trouble saying Scheveninge. Smile (I had frietjes met pindasaus there once.)
X's and O's

I wrote my first short story:
The Promise

Here's my second effort:
Trudy's Travails

Welcome \^_^/ !!

Males and females are not unlike two asymmetrical halves of a single object.
They are never equal, and those who pretend they are, are fools of natural order.

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