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Greetings from a female muscle fan!

Saying hi, and seeing if there's an interest in posting what I plan on spending hours and weeks and months working on, will probably do so even if there isn't just for myself.

I have always been fascinated by, attracted to, and had a fetish for muscular women.  It started in grade school (don't want to give my exact age, but suffice to say it was more than 1/4 century ago.)  There was this girl in school that I had become at-school-only friends with, and she was so nice and sweet and smart and, well, just great company.  I thought she was so pretty, long curly auburn hair and a year-round rather deep tan that made her caucasian complexion almost as dark as her hair. She seemed to have a very average build, not one that you would immediately classify her as any particular body type, just blended in, and never wore anything that overly pronounced any physical characteristic.  Unfortunately, peer-pressure and group-acceptance was extremely influential at this stage of our lives, and she was considered by the group not to be one of the "attractive ones" while I knew that another girl who was considered one of the "attractive ones" (at this point in our lives, it was pretty much just who developed first) had a thing for me, and I would get more group acceptance by going after the sure thing who was in the "hot" group instead of putting myself out there and taking a risk with someone from the "not" group.  Anyway, as we were approaching the end of the year, it was announced that the entire class was going to have a party at the local public pool.  I guess my crush wanted to give people a taste of things to come, as a few classes later when the teacher left the room for a minute, one of my classmates jumped out of his seat and pointed behind me yelling, "DO THAT AGAIN!" I turned to see what was going on, and there was my crush standing with a playful smile on her face, grasping the bottom of her shirt.  He yelled again, "LIFT IT AGAIN" and she raised her shirt to the bottom of her black lace bra, revealing her perfectly sculpted six-pack.  Everyone's jaws dropped as the abdominal muscles did a little dance of contractions as she giggled from the attention.  That night, I missed the entire night of fun at the public pool as I spent the whole time trying to find her and seeing what kind of bathing suit she was going to bless the rest of us with by presenting herself in; never found her, I guess she never went. 

A few days later, she came in wearing a mesh shirt.  During one of my classes, I finished the quiz well before everyone else, so I was sitting there waiting for everyone to finish.  She was sitting 3 seats ahead and one to the side of me, and she was hunched over her desk intensely focused on the quiz.  This posture has to be one of the absolute least flattering on the midsection as every bit of fat in your entire torso gets clumped together, but even in this position it was very easy to make out the 2 crevices between the 3 layers of abdominal muscles in her belly, even through only the slight opacity of the shirt.  And she obviously wasn't flexing or sucking in or anything as the entirety of her faculties was focused on this quiz.  I sat there mesmerized by the synchronized slight expansion and contraction of the 3 muscles on the right side of her stomach as she breathed.  I thought of how this must give her a completely different perspective on reality - where most people would feel insecure and vulnerable if their shirt were suddenly removed, they would feel a need to flex or tense or suck in, she would just smile and think, "well, I guess I'll show off for a bit." While most have a body that others would turn away from if exposed, she posesses one that makes jaws drop, impossible to turn away from, and impossible not to become obsessed with, even decades later.///

ANYWAYS, in an effort to speed up this introduction and get to how this landed me in a futanari chatroom...

A year or two later I moved halfway across the country. I was still at a pre-driving and pre--- get-a-job-to-buy-a-plane-ticket age, and this was before the internet was really a viable thing (yeah, it was that long ago) so I was pretty much no longer existent to everyone I knew and them to me.  Over the years, I had a few girlfriends, and as it turned out all of them were between average and a lil' chunky in build, and I always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl/woman who had a hard, chiseled body with muscular definition everywhere.  Not going to lie, it does feel good being intimate with a female with a soft body, but I was always curious... more like obsessed... with how it would feel to be with someone where when you grabbed their arm or their belly, it felt like grabbing a cinder block covered in soft skin as opposed to grabbing a stress ball.  When I was in the interims between this girlfriend and that one (and to be honest, while I was with them as well) I would search for images and videos of the leanest and most defined female physiques I could, it was becoming quite the fetish.  The people that I was finding were becoming more and more muscular as well, and I was and have been developing quite the taste for that.

I finally got my wish and found myself in a relationship with a woman who was rather lean.  I defintely enjoyed the difference in feel of her, not hard but FIRM body.  Unfortunately, the reason that she had such a low level of bodyfat was not because she dieted or worked out or simply had the genetics for it, but rather because she did a lot of cocaine and that ends up being one of the tangential effects.  I can't allow that kind of influence to be in my life, so we went our separate ways. 

Even so, my tastes...preferences... desires... fetishes... have gone beyond what she had.  I've been desiring to see more and more muscle on the female frame, so much so that you can't find it in the real world - maybe in some of the largest female bodybuilders, but even then, I want to see them grow bigger... much, much bigger.  I've turned to drawings and renderings to find what I really want to see.  Some of the best content has been in female futanari models, and the extra member originally was quite the turnoff to me, but as I gave it a chance I started to mind less and less, realizing it was just a case of the "not-gays" that was turning me away, and some of those members were actually quite aesthetically pleasing... especially some of the larger ones.  So then I started searching for larger and larger muscles on futanari with larger and larger "endowments" and eventually I came across what I currently perceive as the perfect human (well, not exactly human) form.  Don't want to mention the name because I don't know how copyright works with these sorts of things, but by mentioning that it's a massively muscled half-orc whose initials are SM and has one of the largest futa-extras around, I imagine everyone at a place called Futanari Palace knows exactly who I'm talking about.  Those arms, those boobs (can't believe I talked all this long without mentioning I'm also a boob guy), those abs, the muscular thickness throughout, that face and hair, she even makes those tusks look cute, and of course that giant "blessing" of hers Wink 

  I plan on writing about SM and other muscular females (I don't know if they don't have a certain enhancement if they shouldn't be in this forum, so I'll try to stick to that.)  I've done some writing in the past but only for my own amusement, I hope it can bring some joy and pleasure to others as well.  The stories are mostly of muscle worship, FMG as well as "other" growth, erotica/sensuality - where the story has a "key" and a "keyhole" the two are probably going to meet up, but nothing in the rear of male or female (not my thing), some feats of strength but little-to-no violence, maybe some overpowering without harm.  If you've made it this far, my stuff might be for you - it's obviously not reading a post but opening a novel, but there's some pretty vivid mental pictures that can be painted by doing so.  Hope y'all enjoy!



Welcomn to the Palace  Big Grin


Hey Guys!

After finishing "Bodybuilding Competition part 3," I was looking for a little feedback regarding which story to focus on writing next. I have 3 concepts that I'm tinkering with:

a.) the next logical step is "Bodybuilding Competition part 4," and without giving away any spoilers, she takes the stage. This is likely to be the second- or third-to-last entry in the Bodybuilding Competition series, but there's plenty more of Seline to come. To be honest, it would be nice to take a break and do something else and come back to it; I tend to storyboard these out but then write them in a single sitting, and it usually takes the vast majority of a day (If I write a section and then try to come back to it later, I usually end up reading what I wrote a few days earlier and ask myself, "What the hell was I thinking" then trash it and start over.)

b.) First story I've written here not featuring Seline, a gym story about a hyperfuta-girl who stands up to a gym (verbal) bully and wins the attention of a beautiful ultra-muscled girl. This will likely follow the porn-format that I've been using mostly for the previous 4 stories: speed through the plot as quickly as possible, through in little jokes and funny quips when the opportunity presents itself, and speed into the pounding and linger on it.

c.) This is the one that I'm most excited about writing but also the most apprehensive. This is the story I had in mind when I was asking about the rules as to what you can and can't write here (non-consensual, underage but of a race that matures sexually at a different rate, language, gore, violence, etc. - to which every response seemed to green-light everything.) The story is a Seline origins story. There's two parts to it but the first part is about 80% of the material, so I guess you could say that Part 1 is chapters 1-4 and Part 2 is chapter 5. The second part does more or less follow the format I've been using (get to the screwing ASAP, mood is kept pretty light ranging from melodramatic to silly.) The first part has a completely different tone, much darker than my other entries, and has torture, gore, non-consensual sex, and even as the writer I think it's deeply disturbing, but necessary - I don't make any money doing this, it's just a hobby and I get these stories in my head that I have to expel onto paper (well, a document.) The timeline will also probably be a little confusing; for some of the elements to have the desired impact, it's necessary to write/read the second part (chapter 5) first, and then go back to the first part (chapters 1-4, in order.) and the first few chapters will have several time jumps of different lengths, but should at least be sequentially in order. This is one that I'm really thinking maybe I should just write for myself to avoid getting in trouble with the forum (or on an FBI watch list!)

Thank you for all the feedback, both reinforcing and constructive. If I may ask, and I'm not sure what the forum rules are regarding this, but I was hoping that I could use this introductions thread (or create a thread "hugefbbluvva feedback" or something) for all feedback and forum interaction and let the story threads be exclusive to the stories. I'm not trying to be rude, I appreciate the interactions in fact, just that I have OCD and would really like the story threads to read out as each of the thread postings are sequential entries of the story.



Just write what you want and most importantly how you want.

If we talk about my opinion - do yourself "light unloading" in parallel with your main stories. By this I mean super short sketches on the topic "my hero in such a situation": just a light text of ~500 words. For example, Selina, while trying to remove a cat from a tree, accidentally brought down this tree. Or how she wasn't allowed on the roller coaster because she was overweight, which annoyed her a lot. Its fun for write for u and fun to read for us ).

About a b and c. Her origin is good to me, if this not contain much gore and other stuff like this. Just like continuation of competition story. But for the b... I dont know, i think stories with more than 1 really big character is way worse then story with just 1 very big hero. But this only my opinion ).

Anyway i`m waiting more of your work!


I’d love to see what you can do in c.


Quick update - sorry for not getting the second half of episode 2 up as promised. I got about 1/2way through it before needing to call it a night. And after looking it over, I needed and completed some fine-tuning. Now need to call it a night again with that part still half-finished. SORRY!

But the good news is I looked over the stuff and reorganized some of the timeline to create a gradation of the level of disturbing-ness. So while I'll continue to leave tags, here's the real 'parental advisory' to follow - if you found episode2-A to be a little too disturbing for you, skip to episode 4 when it comes out, 2-B is, right out of the gate, much more uneasy. It'll be a little out-of-context but you should be able to connect the dots, and save yourself from material that you're not comfortable with. Likewise, after I post episode2-B, if THAT is too much for you, skip episode 3 and go right to 4; episode 3 is much more unsettling than anything I've posted and again, some things may be a little disjointed, but you'll be able to figure it out and not expose yourself to scenes that are too much for you.

On the other hand, if you read all the parts and deep-down feel like, "that's good but I want MORE and WORSE, let me know and I'll see how far I can take my twisted mind to!


Mid-August progress update:

TAGS: "Well, there's this one on the back of my sweater."  No, Seline! That's not what that means!

Hey Guys!  It's Hugefbbluvva.  Thanks again for all your views and rep-boosts.

"And it's me!  Seline! Te-He *snort*"

Okay, Seline, I just wanna give them a quick update.  Anyways, I'm going to be working on Origins 3 and it will take some time, so it may be a while before another story is posted, but I haven't quit or retired or anything.  From a self-evaluation perspective, Chapter 1 (episode 5) was what I wanted and was simple because it's the kind of porn that I write.  Chapter 2 (episode 1) was exactly the product that I wanted to make, and I was happy with episode 2 part 1, although not as happy as I was with episode 1.  Episode 2 part 2, in my opinion, started out the way I wanted and then became a garbled mess - and I figure it was for 2 reasons: First, I posted when I was drunk; if I'm going to write while drinking, which I usually do, I should at least save the draft and have a sober read-through before posting.

"Luvva, you really shouldn't drink so much..."

I know Seline, we'll talk about it later.  Anyways, Second, I was starting to get a bunch of feedback about people wanting to see more stuff, particularly Origins and Competition, and I started to try to crank material out.  This led to rushed material - I usually follow an extensive process of storyboarding, writing, editing, reading the completed work and then reading all previous chapters and the new one to look for continuity errors, editing again, and so on, but with 2-2 I was just rushing towards the finish line and hit 'post,' even though I was many beers in when I did so.  I made a few minor adjustments even after posting, but I'd like to just leave it as is and have that be a learning lesson.

"And don't forget that they haven't given you any ideas for/"

Oh right, Seline.  A while back, Seline had asked if you guys had any ideas on ways to test her strength, or even just for feats of strength that you'd like to see her do or attempt, and we haven't gotten any feedback, so let us know what you want to see, or what you think would be a good test of strength for someone who we know can curl 15,000 pounds with one arm and having THAT be a good pump but not her limit.  Anyways, the storyboards for episode 3/

"Oh!  That's the icky one where that guy is doing that thing to me and there's the electricity/"

Yes, Seline, but to understand who you are, they need to know where you came from.

"Hmmph.  Well, as long as they get more stories about where I stick this thing and what my muscles do/"

Yes, Seline, there will be plenty of that.

*Speaking of where I'm gonna stick this five-and-a-half foot long thing when I'm hard...*

The boards for episode 3 have some major shifts in tone, and I want to come up with some transitional material to soften the swings.  There's also a looong journey that needs to happen to get from where we left off in episode 2-2 to where episode 4 needs to begin, so I need to plan out where the breaks are as it will, like episode 2, be a multi-part episode.

"Luvva!  I'm stuck again!"

I'll be right there, Seline!  Anyway, I'm going to start writing episode 3 and aim to get it out as soon as possible, the big deadline that I see is that I want to have some seasonal stuff (starting with Halloween) out in a seasonally appropriate timing, and some of that revolves around characters that I haven't even introduced yet!  So, as alluded to earlier, there are also some other NON-SELINE projects that I plan on introducing, and while writing episode 3 I may take a break and have a few Seline shorts as well as some of the other projects.

"I got it out, no thanks to you!"

Great job Sweetie! 

Now that Competition has fleshed out the way that it has, no pun intended, there are several more chapters in that one which may prove to be a nice break - episode 3 is quite dark.  Barbi/Bambi definitely have more.  Another character that is going to have a lot of content is Jenny, based on Jasons805 Jenny from deviantart/

"Excuse me, Luvva!  Who the fuck is Jenny!"

Sweetie, she's the girl with muscles almost as big as yours and, if I remember right, you like her quite a bit.

"Oh, Jenny!  She's the one who does the thing with the thing to my thing/"

Yup, that's her alright.  PSST... THEY MEET.  Anyways. 3 is going to take a long time so I'll try to pump it out as soon as I can without making the mistakes that I made, I'll try to get some other content out while you're waiting and/

"Ya know, between Jenny, and Barbi and Bambi, and then there's Lilli and Bella- all these girls and then there's your readers- when are you going to pay any attention to ME!"

Sorry, Seline, I've just about wrapped this/

"What do I have to do to get you to notice ME!  Maybe if I show you my new trick...

Oh my god, guys!  Seline learned how to roll her abs!  and/

"How about I block all this 'posting threads' crap like this"

Srline, yout cick is so thick thst it blocks the entire monitor, I can't sww what I'm typong!  And you spilled my beer!

"Nevermind your beer!  Open wide, I got something better for ya!"



" "And don't forget that they haven't given you any ideas for/"

Oh right, Seline. A while back, Seline had asked if you guys had any ideas on ways to test her strength, or even just for feats of strength that you'd like to see her do or attempt, and we haven't gotten any feedback, so let us know what you want to see, or what you think would be a good test of strength for someone who we know can curl 15,000 pounds with one arm and having THAT be a good pump but not her limit. Anyways, the storyboards for episode 3/ "

Hey there!
Let me think. Mb some story about her trip to the mountains, where on the road happened some landslide and Seline need hold some rolling down objects (trees and boulders) and even heavy machine (excavator for example) for saving people. Here u can do some humor (huge woman in the trip bus - here defenetly can be some funny moments xD) and strength test and mb something more.


Mid-December update:

Soooooooo sorry guys! I know there's been some interest and waiting-on-the-edge-of-seat to see where some of the stories go, and I made it worse by giving teaser-previews of some of the ideas I was having and failed to deliver on. Sorry.

There's been several reasons for this: I was having some medical issues that I was hunkering down through while not missing a day of my full-time employment. What's more, I was aiming for a course-correction in life and I've been focused on myself in a few ways- trying to get back into shape, maybe not into Seline's shape but at least be someone who works out who also LOOKS like they work out. Also, I've been trying to get myself out there in the real world, dating quite a bit more, all adding up to not having as much time and the time that I do have isn't as uninterrupted. (not to mention trying to keep THIS in the closet with the ladies I'm seeing: "Sure, my place will work! *clears history/dumps folders in recycling bin/jettisons it/magnetizes hard drive.*)

I appreciate some of the advice and insight in how to deal with what is a pretty fundamental problem in being able to get the content out, that being that I prefer to belt out the whole story in one sitting, and am incorporating some of the advice: both the "Flexytime" universe thread and "Seline Shorts" were designed to be able to get out little morsels of content instead of a grandiose saga. As for the longer-running stories, it'll be interspersed but I'll dedicate the time to tackle them.

As for each one:
"Seline's bodybuilding competition" I completely forgot about. After a quick skimming, most of the ideas came flooding back and there are several more chapters to develop. I feel compelled to resolve the cliffhanger and that new character has continued involvement in this story. There's also new ways that she participates in the competitions and revolutionizes female bodybuilding (at least in this universe.) I also want to rehash back to some of the more fantasy elements that were part of the story.

"Seline Origins" Yeah, there's just the one part left, and all of the milestones are situated. The 3 things that I'm struggling with are 1.) getting those milestones to be more climactic; I've put it together a few times and the story becomes complete with no loose ends, but it isn't as fulfilling as I'd like. 2.) the story necessitates having one particular element be demolished (and then replaced) but there's a lot that can be done with it if it weren't destroyed. I don't want to do a "multiverse" having one timeline where the element is eliminated and another timeline when it isn't, but I have a desire to make an alternate ending to be able to continue to build on it (though it would undermine the journey by doing so.)

"Barbi/Bambi" was an exercise in interactive writing and popping the reader's head into and out of the 4th wall, and it was fun with some follow-up potential but I'm not sure this one will carry on.

"The girl next door/Aiden" was designed for the spin-off of another storyline, "Flexytime gym" in establishing a secondary character that could function as one of the main PoV centers. Aiden was supposed to be a beta-level character at best, one of the junior-varsity level players in a pro-level arena, but his reception dictates that he develop into more of a contributing character. Figuring out where to go with that character.

"Flexytime Gym" as mentioned earlier is where I'll probably spend a lot of time developing - the drama-sitcom episodic format gives a lot of freedom in having self-contained stories only connected by their location. Had a couple of false starts first because of Aiden, and then after my hiatus I was going to cheat and have Seline introduce the place just to get things going again. Seline will make an appearance here but I'm going to try to just get some content up today.

"Learning to live with Seline" probably fizzled out, but there may be an addition here or there.


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