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I used to know a dude and some other dude but it's been like forever yo

Hi there. My name is a pseudonym, but anyone can probably easily see through that - especially since the handle I usually use is a part of my profile info. I registered here because of at least one of my two interests, which are writing and gaming, and my interests of the former extend to the subject matter concentrated here. I also used to post a hell of a long time ago on F3, though infrequently and likely only just enough to share a few (now ancient) stories I wrote when I was fervent, dumb, and nooby. (Hella nooby.) Nowadays I am much better at my craft (so people tell me), I write all sorts of things (not just the pworns, though it is an enjoyment), and I'm sad F3 is all defunct. That basically sums up my history, although I would be remiss not to mention that anyone I hoped to catch up with here also no longer posts here. Damn.

Still, after the great drought I experienced in motivation to write (~6-7 years' worth, in fact, when I attempted to discover myself and figure out what the hell I was doing in life), I came back to what I discovered was a passion with a vengeance, creating all sorts of things I liked to read, personally enjoyed, and polished to enough of a personal standard that I could feel warm while experiencing again any time I wished to. I suppose that, now that I've gathered enough fucks given to finally post shit somewhere, that others may feel roughly the same. I do all of my own editing and proofreading - a talent I practice along with creating in order to self-produce the best products I can muster. I suppose that I could offer my skills to someone else should they request it, but be forewarned that I have the tendency to completely rewrite anything that gets handed to me if grammar and sentence structure isn't up to par; if not that, then my criticism might make people cry. I can be a perfectionist like that. Tongue I hope to unlazy hard enough to post stuff soon, at any rate. I'll release stuff as I feel like it, as making a huge dump tends to kill all of my available effort and usually causes my motivation to dip even further... Even if some of this stuff has been sitting around for a while.

On the subject of gaming, I have a Steam account; my handle is the very same nick I use for IRC. I like shooters, typically first person, alongside point 'n' clicks, match three, visual novels with gameplay (lol Telltale?), and Minecraft with mods, although Terraria's good too. I am a casualfag who mostly enjoys singleplayer, only tending to play multiplayer with people I know - not because I dislike playing with randos, but because having tactical backup is always 200% better. Smile

On the subject of my motivation, the lack thereof extends not just to hobbies, but to my life as well. I've never really been inclined to just get up and do things, so doing anything - posting like this, I guess - is always a positive step. I can never be incentivized to make money (not even the security of money itself makes me want to make money - I'm just built like that), I don't want to spend more effort to live than I really have to, and once the people who care for me go, I'll probably go too. I feel like every day is just another period to get through before I finally hit the goalpost...

But enough depression from me. On the subject of why I'm here - and this is probably most important - I've always been fascinated with the idea of the perfect anatomy. I realize that all of us, as people, are far from perfect - far, far, far from anything like it, no matter how far we reach to achieve some ideal like that - and, if we can achieve at least one aspect of this concept, well, that's pretty fucking cool. Tongue The very fact that we are not perfect is what lends credence to stories, as well, since we're always learning, always growing, always doing something, and literature is one way to pass that onto others. Beyond that, I like most anything save for a couple of no-nos. The biggest one is shemales, which is basically another way of saying 'men with tits'; my personal rule is 'no vagina, no interest'. This is not to preclude vanilla genders, however, for those are fine. Beyond that, I would say that most anything else goes, although I prefer a modicum of decency and generally go for a touch or spice of bizarre over anything completely unrealistic, like hyper (where would all the blood come from?) or inflatables... Not that those are bad things. We all have our brains wired to specific things. I'm not hating, just not appreciating.

Tl;dr, hi, I hope to contribute something. If not quality fiction, then perhaps advice or feedback... But I always strive to complete that next story. If not for video games or being pressed into work, that is.


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