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Hello, im tribereaver and im new.

What a pleasure to have you. Welcome.

tribereaver Wrote:Well mr.feraldeath im into rpgs, side scrollers, bullet hells, hack and slash, puzzle, platform, some fps's, fighters, mmo's, and many more.
BESM is like D&D but anime wider range of what you can be and what you can do.
Im holding off on batman and going for skyrim, and MW3... i could care less about it.
Welcome to the Palace,
Nice to see someone else waiting for TES V - Skyrim.
There is a great thread here on TES-IV Oblivion, pointers to lots of Futa mods for it. (Take a look at if you are interested)
Enjoy your stay.Smile
Anonymous Free Speech can bring out the best and worst in us all. I prefer to think that this is my best, but that is for you to judge.

My Stories Dave and the Princk Mistresses (Complete)
Dave and Claudia - Foiling The Fellowship (on hold)
And Then I Saw The Moon (Chapter 2, on hold)
Other Projects

Oncardam, the Meek Geek

OMG a gamer~~! yay. i've always wanted to get into D&D :3

For which as a writer do i decide that a story is over? do i claim to have a magical power to understand everything with the first step. or do i look at it like an explorer does with his first step into the unknown. for when i put my pen to paper, for the most part. i am venturing into a world. i world i know about as well as everyone else. there may be some who make their maps ahead of time for their worlds. My worlds scream to be free. if i make the maps before venturing then the stories can only ever stay to that map. they can only ever stay to that line. I myself cannot limit that. i must let the story lead me as i much as i lead it, but that's just me.

im an avid shooter guy, but i might have to pick up skyrim. Damn u Oblivion.


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