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Hey guys!

I've never really had a place to discuss my love for futa without the hate that comes off of 4chan, rule 34, or even hentai foundry, everywhere I go everyone seems to be unable to deal with the fact that some people like their women with a penis. anyway, just looking for a place to call home :p


Welcome home, and welcome to the palace! Feel free to PM me any time. Love to talk about Futa, or anything in general! Wink


Welcome! I have not witnessed any hate as such but there are a lot of ignorant people out in the world who don't understand what 'live and let live' means when it means their attitudes are challenged, it's good in here, they even let me enter the story writing contest!




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Welcome to the Palace. You will find many like-minded folks here. Enjoy!

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