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Welcome to the show

Welcome to FP =]


On behalf of perverts everywhere we welcome you with open arms.... and legs....(not that I'm implying that anybody... uh, rather most of the people on here are....)


there are only 3 things to remember on this site,

1) your username, as a password is easier to pick then the name, and henceforth you are more likely to forget the former over the latter.:115:

2) remember that "The Guardian" is pretty much the closest thing we have to a giant flying futa angel.... and if you're a junkie, he's your dealer....:148:

3) remember, the goal is to have fun! if you can't do that, simple mechanical pleasure will often suffice.:179:

please, enjoy yout stay, I know I do!

The moon shall ride high as she hovers above, streaming pure energy down to those of us that can receive her bountiful power. Dance with me my sisters, naked with our skin glowing in the pale blue light...

hello and welcome

Siggy by Minizila :3 ~


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