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New guy Making himself known

So I'm new here that much is visible. My go to name on internet is Quinn as it seems to stick. I've been something of a lurker to most forums. For seemingly random reasons (Social links GO!) I'm here writing this. Some of my intrests involve playing games that does include Japanese H-games and the western projects in development.
Games-wise i play everything and anything my computer decides to run. H-games wise my long time favourite is Sengoku Rance and a more recent addition of Kamidori Alchemy Meister.
Western wise... hmm I follow Breeding Season, Tales in Tainted Space, Fall of Eden, Hentai High School+, PytFaLL and a variety of others, would be too long to write about them all.
I think it may be everything can't say i know the template for self introductions or being very skilled at it so yeah let's all be friends!!!

P.S According to most recent tests I'm a Himedere so take it as you will.


+1 on the Rance and Kamidori part. You have earned my respect and fancy because of that.
Sengoku Rance is my favourite VN game to date (and I can't describe how sad I am over the fact that there are no translations for Rance 8 yet). Kamidori is pretty cool as well, though I have yet to finish any of the main routes so I can't really judge it properly.

You deserve my sincerest welcome to the forums.

PS: Funny thing is I hardly even care about the sex in the Rance games. Its everything else there that truly steals my heart.


Well last i checked Rance 8 is at 20% and I've heard that at the current rate (1 person working on it) it will take around 2 to three years to complete. Recently Kichikou Rance got translated by Arunaru have you played that?


I have in fact not played it. Considering its a much older instalment to the series (with possibly outdated/weaker mechanics) and that its a spin-off that doesn't even follow the main universe's plot, I've been rather avoiding it. Its just that I'm afraid I may have been severely spoiled by Sengoku Rance and will therefore harbour similar expectations for that game as well, which will ultimately lead to my disappointment.
Have you tried it? If yes, then how was it compared to Sengoku? If its just as good (or that it at least comes close) I'll definitely give it a try.


As far as I know Kichijou was supposed to be the last game in the series until fans demanded more and was moved into a offshoot also from playing it its pretty much the game Sengoku Rance is based on. So I would recommend giving it a try. It does feel more barren then Sengoku but that game is a master piece nothing can compare.


Very well, I'll test it out (mainly due to my curiosity as to what the original end of the series was supposed to be like). ^^
And yeah, you're totally right. Forget VNs, I sometimes have trouble thinking of a better/more fun game than Sengoku in general. The only reason I don't play it anymore is because there are only so many ways you can finish a single player game before starting to feel the repetitiveness, even in a masterpiece like that.

PS: Suzume is my fave due to her interactions with Rance, they're always both funny and all so sweet. :3 Also as much as I love Rance's child in Yamamoto's route I just can't let myself allow for Kouhime to die, therefore the true route is the best one for me. ^^


Sengoku Rance is such a fun tactical conquest game around all the fucking. And Kamidori is awesome in a lot of ways. It kind of reminds me of FF6, except with fucking and a fairly different plot. A lot of the same successful elements though. I think it could actually benefit from more sex, given all the characters.

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