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Hello Everyone!

Not sure if I am doing this right, I never was too good at introductions. The name is pearly!locks but everyone can call me Pearly! I acquire the cute little name after going through a "finding the meaning to your name" phase and well apparently my name means "Battlefield of Pearly Locks". Pretty sweet, although I keep thinking that it reminds me of a Bishoujo anime or something similar. I am a 23 years old college student and on my way to becoming a Web Developer...ish. Well, I am trying to. I do get distracted with learning SQL. Who knew that creating databases would be ridiculously fun? Anyways, I have lurk around the site for a while and decide to grab hold of some bravery and introduce myself! Let's see I enjoy drawing, writing, watching anime or reading manga when I can, working and well just doing anything that will satisfy my curiosity! I am currently making an attempt with writing a novel and creating a CYOA game. I still got a lot of learning to do, so bare with me! ;D If you want to be friends or just want to ask a question, fire away! I won't bite too hard.


Welcome to fpSmile




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Thank you! It is nice to meet you all! Big Grin


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