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Hi! My name is...Knolli

oh, oops, if it's a Dark Templar then

En taro Tassadar


It is better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt. (mark twain)

When I cut my finger, that's a tragedy. When you fall down a manhole and die, that's a comedy. (Mel Brooks)

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity (Robert Heinlein)

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein)

Ok, you got me there. It's Zeratul, indeed. Here the original picture. But nevertheless I did the drawing myself and it were about six hours of work to do all the shadings and details... and the small modifications you may notice - they are all made on porpose :p
[SIZE="1"](Zeratul, Copyright by Blizzard Entertainment, etc.)[/SIZE]


It's pretty well done I have to say, do I get a prize? ^^

^I agree

everybody seems to have their own type of favourite futa on here, its quite interesting indeed

check out my new deviant art page with hentai images



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