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A greeting to everyone

Hello, I have come to your humble forum for role play in apprecation of Futa. Though, I am the sort that wishes to stay to themselves, what I can say is that I am 24, I enjoy most anything you can think of that would be seen as nerdy, be it video game, movie or otherwise. I am to keep my roleplay and writing skills up through practice, and celebrate those beautful ladies we love with a little extra.


Welcome to FP

You can find my art at
Futanaripalace thread

Welcome nerd!

*holds up hand in Vulcan greeting-thingie in nerdy solidarity*




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

welcome and enjoy your stay =)




Welcome, whatever you do, don't drink the punch, it has date rape drugs in it.

Stories Shared by me and Dyenasaur

[URL=""]Baezle the Futa Blooper!

[/URL][URL=""]Untold Tales of Kalahandris[WIP]

[/URL]Random Sex Stories
Kojanue;764423 Wrote:Welcome, whatever you do, don't drink the punch, it has date rape drugs in it.
That's what the futanari girls want you to think. The date rape drugs are actually in the cake. Nobody suspects the cake.

Seriously though, welcome.
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