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Nothng of any interest.

Greetings and Salutations like I said nothing of any interest here.

The click of high heels on cold tile seem out of place this late at night. The gym's closing so no many people are left, mostly janitors and the one personal trainer who's finishing up. The steps come from the stairs from the street and a woman makes her way up. Long red hair shines on her shoulders as she flashes her member's pass, "I know its late...mind if I get my workout while you're finishing up though?" She asks in a quiet voice

The trainer gives her the once over, taking in the toned body and healthy tan. A brief nod, "Sure...I've got a bit to do yet." Is the grunted reply. A sunny smile greets him, "I ow ya one." She murmurs as she stalks off towards the change room, like some prowling jungle feline. A tarty smile is cast over a shoulder, an added sway to her ass given before she disappears through the doors.

Time passes, the woman getting her workout in. She works hard, pushing herself till her skin glistens and her hair curls in damp tangles on her back and shoulders. Eventually she's finished and she wipes down the machines she was working on. At this point, the janitors have gone home, leaving her and the trainer who's finally finishing up and who would have been done 30 mins earlier if he could stop starting at her ass.

She stretches, calling, "I'll be done in 10 minutes. JUst give me time to shower and change." Another of those bratty smiles comes as she makes her way to the changeroom once more, never noticing the trainer leaving the desk and following her. She strips out of her sweaty clothes, and then into the shower, turning the hot water on high. A low groan spills from her lips as the heat takes the ache from her limbs, and she strokes her fingertips over her breasts and hips, and over the soft cock which lays between silken, toned thighs.

Another quiet groan comes, steam obscuring her from view as the trainer comes in. Hands on her flesh warn him of her, and she murmrus, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" At his response of, "Getting what you said you owed me..." She sharpens her tone, "Careful what you wish might get burned." She twists in his arms, forcing a brutal kiss on him, her tongue plundering his mouth.

He pushes her agains the wall of the showerstall, hands stroking over her body...abruptly stopping when they reach the now swollen throbbing cock which juts from between her thighs. "What the hell is going on here...?" He stammers out, starting to back up in shock. "Rape women do you?" Comes the flat, brutal response from the woman, and then the blinding painful sensation of her knee connecting with his balls. The trainer drops like a rock, sinking to his knees moaning. With his mouth open like that she steps forwards, forcefully jamming her cock into his mouth to silence the sobs of pain.

"Suck.." She purrs slowly, fingers and nails dragged through his hair, tightening dangerously on it, "And don't you fucking dare bite. You wanted some fun...well you got more than you could swallow." A mumbled reply is offered and she merely laughs, thrusting harder and deeper, cock pressing into his throat and she laughs as he suddenly gags and then vomits on his knees. "Dirty boy." She mutters turning the icy water on to spray him and clean him off. "Tsk tsk."

No mercy is given though as she pulls on his hair again, "Open wide..." And she moves, lowering her balls into his mouth, "Suck like the good little bitch you are." And her free hand goes to stroke her length, a low purring moan comes at the heat and wetness surrounding her family jewels, "There's a good rapist." She groans again with pleasure and pulls back. Fingers drag him up by his hair, as she fills his mouth and throat with her cock again, thrusting hard, bruising his mouth.

Not one for mercy she releases him with an abrupt shove which sends him sprawling. Fingers tighten in his hair again, pulling him up and pressing him face first against the stall wall. One slender manicured finger is pressed into service, invading his ass without warning. "You wanted to fuck....well I guess you're fucked now mmm.." She mutters faintly, teeth scoring against his shoulder and bruising the skin. A second finger is added, thrusting hard and deep, jerking the man's hips and pressing his cock against the wall, "Didn't know you liked cock.." She whispers/

Fingers pulled out without gentleness and then her cock is forced into the roughly stretched hole. She fucks him hard, pinning him against the wall, ignoring his pleas and then his moans as suddenly his seed spatters across his belly and the wall. She brutalizes his ass, not caring if she tears or bruises him up. Thrusting continues, harder and deeper, turning his ass rosy from the force. Suddenly she stiffens, a loud moan comming as her hips still, her cock burried in his ass to the hilt as she comes. Nails bloody his back, and she pulls out half way through, spatting his skin with her seed.

Roughly she pushes him to his knees again, "Suck me clean." She demands fiercely, battering his closed lips with her cock, as her cum trickled out of his ass to slick his thighs. "Good bitch." She mutters as he grudgingly takes her in his mouth, lapping and cleaning her. "I'm guessin you'll think twice next time mmm..." She mutters. She smacks his cheek hard with her flacid cock, and then stalks out of the shower, leaving him in a crumpled heap on the floor, his back streaked with cum and blood, and his thighs wet and sticky from the cum leaking out of his ass.


hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.


Feeling Strange fanstories
Sakura's story collection

Temp suspended Rps: My Friend's Toy Couching Tiger Hidden Trap



Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!


Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

.....welcome to fp hope you enjoy your stay....and an interesting story by the way.......


Mmn, such a sweet disposition, if only a few more gals shared the sentiment.~[URL=""][/URL] << actively seeking females, especially those willing to do pregnancy set-ups; casually seeking shemales (and occasionally futa/herms if you impress me OOC)

Woah, that's an introduction!

Welcome to the board!


Welcome on fp


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