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Inuyami's guide of introductions

In order to provide a healthy community if you wish it I have some ideas that could help for the newer members or lurkers to break from their shells.

1. You introduced yourself but, what are the personal interests you have that you're willing to share?
2. You seem to be fond of "X" topic, being like minded I'd like to figure out what you know about it. Maybe I could find something interesting from talking to you.
3. You were brave enough to step up and and expose yourself, this should be praised, encouraged, and appreciated.

Other notes.

Don't be afraid to give rep to anyone who posts here, I've been doing this for everyone just for posting here lately and you could do the same.

Don't be afraid to be wrong or disagree, break from your shell to interact with a stranger.

Life is funny, everyone we come across can have a profound impact on our lives outside the forum even if we accept it or not. *Think of someone who did you wrong and walk away with it as a life lesson not a reason to be resentful. #Reallifewisdom*

Remember we should remain safe and anonymous here but real talk I met one of my best friends from a futanari community over a decade ago and we still talk. *I even convinced him to join the forums* That and a fellow mod is now buddy buddy with me because we clicked.

Be polite, this can make or break how a user approaches the site. You want more people here not less.
Be thoughtful and encourage their presence, give these members the spotlight they deserve.

In closing

Play nice and behave or else I'll spank you.

No you won't like it. :19:

I will though. Smile)

Furaffinity Page. My scrubby attempt at learning to draw.

"Can't you see? I'm always. One. Step. Ahead."

Well, people shouldn't be really afraid of showing up themselves to be honest. There's no shame and it's nice to know each other for something fantastic that we all share and love...futas!

So don't be shy and show yourself as you are, don't be afraid to message me or Inuyami :3 the more the merrier!

by the way, really play nice...or we might have to take you *place latex gloves and a officer hat* a disciplinary moment that nobody will know...and will ever see. :224:

Let these mundane worlds perish, but those who worship me...their life shall be spared by me, and their only purpose it's to serve me, and me alone.[Image: e4935f3caa415665d7ead89861351352.jpg]

I noticed that my "Servant" bar is red. Is it because I'm not in good standing?

Jerberus Wrote:I noticed that my "Servant" bar is red. Is it because I'm not in good standing?

It's likely you've received negative rep points for something you've posted.

[After a few edits] Long story short, I'll ask the moderator who downvoted me about it.
It was a complaint I had made about a different site/domain, not about Futanari Palace.


I joined a few days ago and wanted to introduce myself. I noticed there were no introduction threads showing up in the Introductions Area. It says "Threads 0 to 0 of 0." On the home page I can see the link for the intro thread about DragonLord87; but when I click on Introductions Area it isn't there. Do intro threads get hidden or deleted after a week or so?

I'm really sorry to be making this as my first post.


I just joined a couple days ago and want to introduce myself. I found this site by chance and I'm very pleased to find like minded people. I enjoy reading futanari literature and viewing futanari art and comics. I am trying to do my own futanari photo manipulations but just starting. I have dozens of futa imagines from other artist but not sure if it's okay to post I don't want to offend anyone or violate copyright rules. I enjoy making images of female friends and turning them into futanari it's really fun to me. I have a long way to go to perfect this and have seen some amazing work.


My second post in 10 years (my god, where has the time gone?). I'm a bit of a recluse, and I haven't truly engaged in any kink community such as this so it's a little strange for me to come out of my shell a bit.

Kinks aside, I am very nerdy and I have several hobbies that have bled over into the kink side. I'm a writer and plan to finish a series of novels in time (life permitting). I am a world builder and a con language creator. I've developed cultures and writing systems, continents, all sorts of stuff. This plays into futanari quite a bit, as it turned out. Basically, I ended up creating my own sort of futanari to my tastes. In the books, their sexuality is just an undertone, but I'd always wanted to take it further. My issue is that I don't really have a plot in mind, unlike my books. This is something I'd like to change of course but I'm a bit at a loss. Ideas aside, I've never even really read much erotica as it is (unless manga counts? Doubt it).

It goes a little something like this. Hardly original in some ways, perhaps. A pantheon of futa goddesses and a reigning queen goddess, and their children/subjects, which range from mortals to (more or less) nymphs. There are particulars that go more in depth but I won't torture you guys in an intro thread with perverted futa hyper physics (if you really want to know, ask). Heck, maybe I'll post it somewhere some day.

Anyway, nice to greet you more formally after a decade!

Funny enough, I only logged back in to see how Linty was doing. It's nice to see her active again though.


Welcome back


Hey everyone I'm Phoenix Cinders and I am a futa writer. I love dominant futas and romance.


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