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I'm PAL / P#A#L, which is short for PENISADVENTURELAND. Long story short, it's a -genius- porn name I thought of when I was seventeen.
Anyway, I made this account a good while ago for one reason or another, now that I'm officially back into writing porn I'll stick around and hopefully get to rob you of all your hard-earned money. And fap. Maybe.


Hey there and nice name LOL, Welcome to the FP and feel free to write porn my friend Wink

Let these mundane worlds perish, but those who worship me...their life shall be spared by me, and their only purpose it's to serve me, and me alone.[Image: e4935f3caa415665d7ead89861351352.jpg]

Nice to have you here, any hobbies or interests aside from what you stated you'd care to share?

Furaffinity Page. My scrubby attempt at learning to draw.

"Can't you see? I'm always. One. Step. Ahead."
Inuyami Wrote:Nice to have you here, any hobbies or interests aside from what you stated you'd care to share?

Pretty much just games and porn! Tongue
Sometimes get into anime for a week or two but I inevitably gravitate back towards the vidya.

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