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Greetings and Salutations my fellow fetishists. You may call me Macrophiliac, or 'Mac' for short. I'm from the good ol' US of A, and that's about as specific as I'm willing to get. As for the name, I'd think it rather obvious: I like 'em big. As for my interest in the fabulous futa folk, I feel it's a rather Freudian thing; as yet I've not much experience with the opposite sex's naughty bits, but I do know dick, and there's something I find intensely arousing about a girl suddenly having the same almost constant, underlying lust that the male population experiences on a daily basis, to suddenly become the one who does the fucking, to see their excitement as a whole new kind of pleasure is opened up to them, their clit swelling up and out as their hood slopes downward into balls churning with hot cum. It's a very different sort of thrill than that of most expansion-based fetishes.

It was through slightly less outlandish genres of expansion fetishes that I first learned of futanari: I was big into Breast Expansion, and Giantess Growth, with a budding interest in FMG. As such, I often perused the preview clips TaylorMadeClips uploaded of their productions. I believe it was around the time they were really focused on maintaining that I saw the upload of the preview for their first Futanari clip. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for, and when the big reveal happened I was shocked. It was an idea I'd never even considered before. A girl growing a dick? The more I thought about it, the more it appealed, and over time, I began to actively seek out Futanari artwork and stories. I've since settled into getting my fix for futa from a few different authors, as I find I'm rather picky about visuals, and as such mostly go for literature. Guys like LightFantastically and Ragnarok385 in particular do work that particularly tickles my fancy.

Speaking of Ragnarok, it was through them that I learned of this place's existence. They mentioned a story also being posted here or some-such in the description of it on DA and when I inquired about the place, they recommended I check it out. That was just over a year ago now; other stuff just kept coming up, including a bit of laziness on my own part, but I am here now, at least.

On the subject of kinks/pairings, I'm a big fan of growth followed by masturbation, and have no qualms with Futa on girl action. Not really a fan of Futa on guy though. As you might guess I like the dicks big and the balls just as such, and throwing other kinds of growth on top of everything else really gets my motor running. Big nipples are also a turn-on, and I already mentioned all the sort of expansion stuff I've been into over the years. In case it weren't obvious at this point, my favorite type of futa is the existing genitalia morphing into a dick, rather than growing out of the vagina, there's just something about the former that I find more arousing. I really do have a thing about FMG though: Hell, the first time I ever jizzed was when I watched 'Chaos Movie 3' from that legend The Leviathan.

Outside of the world of fetishes, I've been an avid gamer (though I don't much care for what that term has come to represent these days, if I'm honest) since I was very young, starting with edutainment junk, gradually shifting to some PC ports of platformers (Rayman 2 was my first game that wasn't based on a movie or TV show) and eventually getting a Gamecube with Luigi's Mansion, which is still one of my favorite games of all time to this day. Nowadays I have less time for games, or at least less drive to sink so much time into them, but I still get into playing a good dozen or so in the course of a year. More recently, Undertale absolutely consumed me. Although I only ever played through it twice myself, I delighted as it's popularity exploded, and gradually I got to see all my friends react to the various highs and lows of the game.

The game's characters and soundtrack are practically a fixture of my everyday life, from fan-music to tumblr RP blogs, to fan-games...heck, without Undertale, I wouldn't have met my current girlfriend. It's had a huge impact on my life.

I'm also hoping to become a professional voice actor some day. I've got a pretty decent microphone, even bothered getting a pop filter for it. Though I've yet to do any paid work, I've done voices for a few fan projects over the last few years.

I don't really watch TV at all, even though I do get cable at the moment. If I watch a show it's gonna be via the internet. That said, I absolutely loved Gravity Falls, and though I've somewhat fallen behind, I rather like Steven Universe as well. Over the Garden Wall was a fucking masterpiece, if a rather fleeting one with how fast it came out. I also have a serious thing for some older series that never quite got their chance to finish the stories they were telling, like Gargoyles or Sonic SatAM. I'm a fan of the classics as well, of course; stuff like Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, y'know DCAU stuff, Old Spongebob (From it's inception to shortly after the first movie more or less), Kim Possible, Dexter's Lab, PPG, Samurai Jack, all that good shit Genndy Tartakovsky put out. Avatar, Legend of Korra...I'd like to think I have pretty good taste, at least nowadays.

Musically I have pretty broad tastes; most anything besides rap I'm fairly open to listening to and probably have at least one or two tracks I'm fond of in any given genre. I do have a bias towards a few genres over all others though, mostly orchestral stuff, metal, techno, chiptune music, you get the idea.

Ah, but I'm rambling now, aren't I? Sorry, it's a habit I have. Anyhow, I look forward to interacting with all you people and perusing all the various stories and such posted here!

"In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed man is King." - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus

Hey there Mac, that's quite the intro you have there...welcome to the futanaripalace and please enjoy your stay here :3

Let these mundane worlds perish, but those who worship me...their life shall be spared by me, and their only purpose it's to serve me, and me alone.[Image: e4935f3caa415665d7ead89861351352.jpg]

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