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I'd like to introduce myself, if that's okay

Hello, everyone! The name's Silver! I'm 21, male and I currently live in California within the USA.

I don't quite remember when it first started, but I eventually just obtained an interest in the whole futanari aspect. I thought it was so fascinating and attractive, and I still do. I've always been so embarrassed by it, but it's rather nice to find a group of people who have the same interest as I do. I've never really been in a community that's shared a fetish that I do, so this is a first for me. I tend to be a bit shy about it, but I'm happy I found this place via Google by accident.

I'm typically into futa x futa/futa x girl, but there have been exceptions at times. I've got a lot of other fetishes as well, but I feel those are more of a personal conversation topic, since I do enjoy 1on1 conversations much more. Outside of fetishes, I'm very into video games, Sm4sh Bros. being my current favorite! I'm always up for a game as well as a conversation, if anyone's ever interested!

I'm pretty happy to have found this page, and I'm hoping I can make some good friends here! Thanks for having me! =D


Hello and welcome to the futanari palace Smile hope you really like and enjoy the place along with others...googling some random stuff was also the way i found this place Smile

Let these mundane worlds perish, but those who worship me...their life shall be spared by me, and their only purpose it's to serve me, and me alone.[Image: e4935f3caa415665d7ead89861351352.jpg]

Thanks! I'm hoping to have a good time, for sure!


(fake Irish accent) "Greetins'! Pull up a chair an' sit a spell. Make yerself a'home an' 'ave fun!"


Hahah, that's the idea! =D

freakinboyo Wrote:I'm very into video games, Sm4sh Bros. being my current favorite! I'm always up for a game as well as a conversation, if anyone's ever interested!

Over in the games area we have a thread about fighting games. It would be good to have some new blood around. Although I have to warn you I have a bias against smash personally.
Furaffinity Page. My scrubby attempt at learning to draw.

"Can't you see? I'm always. One. Step. Ahead."

Ooo, thanks for letting me know! And hey, to each their own, no worries. =3


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