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Hai hai

New to the forum but not to the subject. Found this place so I thought I'd join up. Big Grin

"Who Are You?"
I'm SGT.Lightning, or Light. Big Grin

"Where are you from?"
British born, US raised.

"What's up with that nick of yours?"

I love Lightning Farron, not the games, even though the games were alright. Just a fan of her and more so in her Miqo'te outfit on Lightning Returns.

"What do you like about futanari?"

There's more room for other possibilities than your typical vanilla hentai.

"What got you interested in the first place?"

Mostly the futa that I often come across in fanfics with my favorite pairings in video games and anime.

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"

F!Hawke/Isabella(futa)- Dragon Age
Morrigan/Liliana(futa)- Dragon Age
Jack(futa)/Miranda- Mass Effect 2
Mio(futa)/Minna- Strike Witches

"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"
Yep, I have. Big Grin

"What sections are you most excited about exploring?"
(Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?)
Mostly interested in images/doujins, maybe some roleplay and just hanging around. Smile

"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
Just Googling 'futanari', since most of the hentai I've come across has futa tags but always has to have some dude in or around the action who then invites himself.
Not something I'm generally fond of.

"Anything else you might like to add?"

I'm 27, female, pretty chill, I don't talk that much until I'm comfortable.
I'm a huge geek, I love Nutella, Kit-Kats and walking around my house in a onesie because why not? Tongue

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"

I build computers for fun, overclocking is something I'm working on learning.
I also enjoy working on my car, designing/getting tattoos, reading, writing and playing PC games.

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"

Just general forums based around Final Fantasy 14, Gaia (every now and then)... That's it really.

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"
Hope to make some new friends and keep my love for futa burning. Big Grin


[Image: Riley_Iwasaki_Famfrit_General.jpg]
I'll show you how lightning strikes...

Wotcher me old china. Greetings from an ex pat Londoner. Oi 'ope ya foind wot yur lookin' for.




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

Hai! Welcome! <3


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