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Finally got around to it...

Hewwo all! Been meaning to get set up here for a while and kept making excuses not progress! Some of you may know me as the slutty kitty herm dancing, flirting, fucking and being molested on the pole at M&C (steam.shamen). I have no way of accessing that any more as I am limited currently to an android tablet. :o. I am doing some writing and plan to share that here and poke my nose or other parts into the RP as well.

Would really like to hear from a gurl named Con who shared her cock with me and I in turn shared the story of it`s exploits while on loan, if she reads this or if someone can pass along the message!!!

Looking forward to finding lost friends and making new ones! *kisses, purrrss and licks*


Welcome, steamy!


Thanks, Vella!


Hi, Steamy!!! I hope you enjoy yourself here! Lots of people will love you... ;3 *Licks*


Always glad to see another SL player show up. A shame I missed you when you were on SL, heh. Anyways, welcome to the the palace :3


Thanks all! And, Wildbeyond, are you sure ya missed me there? Wink I may get back, when r/l gets straightened out, but for now am enjoying having time to do other things without any guilty feelings about ignoring friends!




Sig made by archangelsintic

Staff member of Futanari Palace and writer of The Life Of Sara

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