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New down in futa town

The Vice Captain of FP?!? Then where is the main boss o.o/?


It is I!!!

...well obviously not, but probably busy at the moment.

and while I may not be the head honcho here *or even a mod* I hope my presence after asking your question wasn't a dissapointment?

At any rate, welcome, Here's some... epsom salts??? No wait I need those! Uh... how about some 1% low fat milk? *gives glass*

...Because Touhou is the most awesome thing ever. Seriously.

...Am I the only Tewi fan out there? Does everyone really dislike her? T_T

Oh yea I've been in a -really- chatty mood lately so if you wanna talk about anything at all feel free to add me at >w<

*accepts with gratitude* thx for the milk.
I just hope its not *that* milk lol


hi and hello Smile

what i can do best Wink
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