Futanari Palace
Yo - Printable Version

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Yo - prodigal_son - 8th June 2008

Hello all. I'm kinda new here. Emphasis on kinda, I created a profile, but have just been lurking around the forums for about a month. I'm 18 and will be 19 in three months.

I'm currently a student at a small college that I doubt anyone here who isn't from Northeast Ohio would have ever heard of. Yeah, I suck.

Um, I'm bisexual, so futa on male doesn't really bother me, although I don't really see much of it. Futa is a relatively new interest of mine, but it has quickly become a.... how might I put this... obsession? That'll work I think.

Oh, and one more thing, I think I might've entered the wrong age on my profile. I made it late at night after some cramming and I messed up a lot of my info. I've fixed a bunch of it, but Ican't find where I can change, or even view my age to see if it's entered right. I'm kinda half-worrried half-hoping a moderator or admin person might find this cause I'd really appreciate the help.

I could probably just start a new profile and be done with the hassle but Im lazy, and I'm pretty sure having two profiles is against the rules anyway.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble, and I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me with the age thing. I love this site too much to get banned for something stupid like this. You guys should at least wait until I freak out and start harassing people or something before you kick me out! Smile

~later- Prodigal-son

PS if anyone's wondering, "prodigal-son" is a kick-ass song by Bad Religion.

Yo - Sakura-chan - 8th June 2008

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

Yo - PerfectZonic - 8th June 2008


Yo - The Guardian - 8th June 2008

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!

Yo - Futanarikko - 8th June 2008


Enjoy your stay!

Big Grin

Yo - SusanSwelled - 8th June 2008


Yo - darth_tohru - 8th June 2008

Welcome to the forum.

Yo - spacepoliceman - 9th June 2008


Yo - zebeianhero - 9th June 2008

...........welcome to fp hope you enjoy your stay............

Yo - alarmguy - 9th June 2008
