Futanari Palace
hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - Printable Version

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hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - mjolinr - 8th March 2008

My name is mjolinr. I have been lurking on this forum for several monthes now, but this is my formal introduction. I am 36, male and I have recently found futanari. I have already meet some very nice people on this board, and I know that I will be here for as long as I possibly can. Nice to meet you all.

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - Sakura-chan - 8th March 2008

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - vella - 8th March 2008

Welcome, mjolinr.

Futahol is very dangerous and hopefully we can all make a difference.

Do it for the children...

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - The Guardian - 9th March 2008

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - kisseki - 9th March 2008

Welcome mjolinr, enjoy your stay to the palace futaholic ^_^.

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - mjolinr - 9th March 2008

Thank you all for taking the time to say hello.

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - underscore - 9th March 2008

vella Wrote:Welcome, mjolinr.

Futahol is very dangerous and hopefully we can all make a difference.

Do it for the children...

By sneaking them small sips of it from your glass? Like they do in Europe?

Hey there, Mjolinr. Compared to some, I've enjoyed futanari for a short time (about 3 years). Enjoy FP wisely. Friends let other friends imbibe whatever flavor of futahol they like.

-But definitely not while driving! important safety tip :116:

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - SAM™ - 9th March 2008

welcome aboardSmile

hello, I'm mjolinr and I'm a futaholic - spacepoliceman - 10th March 2008
