Futanari Palace
What's up? The names Ace! - Printable Version

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What's up? The names Ace! - FutaLoverAce - 11th March 2021

Hello everyone! I am very new due to the fact that I've never been on a forum like website and being apart of a fetish board at all. Not really sure what else to say but I hope we all get along!

Ok I do have a quick question tho. Most of the post I see have ATTACH=CONFIG on them and i dont know why. Is there something I messed up with?

RE: What's up? The names Ace! - RedSeeds - 12th March 2021

Futanari Palace recently switched to MyBB and a lot of the old attachments haven't ported over cleanly. If you are interested in some of that older stuff, you can check out the old site at old.futanaripalace.com and it all should still be working there, you just can't post there.