Futanari Palace
Yo - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Introductions Area (https://www.futanaripalace.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=16)
+--- Thread: Yo (/showthread.php?tid=37256)

Yo - DustfingerAD - 28th January 2015

Hello everyone here.
After a long time I've finally decided to join the site.
Since I am not really a good talker I'll use part of that nice template to introduce myself and just as a warning, this probably will be a rather long post:

"Who Are You?"
Just some dude from Germany who likes Futa since quite some time now.

"What's up with that nick of yours?"
It's the name of a character from a book I read as a kid, became my main nick when I needed one a few years ago and this name was the first that came to my mind.
But since it already was taken here I had to add the AD, hope the person with the original name doesn't mind, otherwise I'll change it.

"What do you like about futanari?"
Better question would be what I don't like.
But I can't actually say why I like it so much, I just love dicks but hate dudes I guess.

"What got you interested in the first place?"
I sadly can't remember, just know that it evolved from finding Futa gay, to only liking Futa if they had a vagina to nowadays liking Futa everything.

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
I have a huge breasts fetish, so those are always a plus (loli futa can be very nice too though).
Other than that, chubby futa, foreskin, large soft balls, veiny dicks and PoV style Images are the main things which make any Image better for me.

"What sections are you most excited about exploring?"
Images and Doujins I think, but there are so damn many.
To be honest, I am really overwhelmed and I have no idea where to go first.

"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
Funny story actually, first time I heard of the palace was years ago when I saw an Image of a guy who was about to get some futa dick with a "The position every futanaripalace member wants to be in" caption.
Back then I thought that they must be gay to want something like that and look at me now, I've joined the site and definitely would want to be in the position, I wonder what my younger self would think of that.

Even after I started to like futa I never wanted to join the site though.
I thought since I love futa so much I would just waste all my time here, and since I can't draw for shit I also couldn't contribute anything, so I tried to avoid the site.
Probably was stupid but ah well, anyway, what brought me to register an account today was that I wanted to find all of JADFs (or DDK I suppose) drawings.
Since all of his pixiv Images are censored I tried to find the uncensored ones, which led me to his twitter, but since I am an idiot I couldn't figure out how to save some Images there.
Then I found his futanaripalace link and since I had to register, my dick eventually won and I did.

So now that I am here, there really is no reason to stop anymore (I already have 10 tabs of different threads open, send help..).

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
I am currently learning Japanese, which takes a majority of my time.
Other than that, Anime, Gaming and making the occasional attempt to learn how to draw and then quitting for months after failing horribly.

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
Not many since I am usually not really a forum guy, I am a Mod on Aerisdies (hence the AD in the name, I know, very creative) but thats about it.

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"
Well, I hope I can become an active member somehow, even without drawing or writing skills.

And thats about it for my introduction, looking forward for the things in the palace ..and sorry for the long post.

Yo - CassieM - 28th January 2015

Wow! You weren't kidding! That was a long post... certainly longer than mine! Anywho... I'm fairly new to the site as well, but let me be the first to welcome you to the Palace!

Yo - Allykat - 29th January 2015

Yeah that was long, I don't know why I'm even here cause I'm just a cat... But I'm happy you are here! hope you have lots of fun and make lots of new friends!Tongueyong11:

Yo - The Guardian - 1st February 2015
