Futanari Palace
Heya all - Printable Version

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Heya all - TheCrazyBrute - 29th October 2007

My name is Jonathan and I found about this site from 4chan. It's nice to know a place where people accept you of this. I never told my friends and don't know what they will do if I tell them. Im currently studying video game design at Ohlone college and Will Paicus is my teacher. My friends and I have an upcoming LAN party at school (that's free to attend)which anyone is invited to promote the club and im psyched about that. I plan to make my own site as soon as I know how to do web design. I recently skimmed through the forum and didn't expect to see Fred Savage here. I recently saw The Wizard and thought it was cheesy. I'm debating on my sexuality because I like futa and women. I hope to meet some friends here.(I hope this post wasn't too long)

Heya all - Adrock - 29th October 2007

WOW, your the 4th or 5th new guy today, anyway, Welcome to Futanari Palace v.2.0™

Heya all - Itchy_nugget - 29th October 2007

Yo, Welcome to the Palace TheCrazyBrute

Please enjoy your stay Big Grin

I too am studying for Game Design. Course i have not actually begun the specific courses, but will be in hopefully (roughly) 3 weeks. will be transfering to a different College to get my study on.

Also, I would like to ask if your name has anything to do with Halo 3 Smile

Heya all - The Guardian - 29th October 2007

Welcome to FP!

Enjoy your stay!

Heya all - TheCrazyBrute - 29th October 2007

Actually the Brute is a name that my friend gave me 2 years ago because I love to workout and of course im buff but the halo thing is purely coincidental, and itchy have you done 3d modeling yet? so far i've been working with 3ds max 9 which i use right now

Heya all - Itchy_nugget - 29th October 2007

nope, havent done 3d modeling yet

im super lame like that, lol

Heya all - TheCrazyBrute - 29th October 2007

I can help you get started on it, so far i can make nice backgrounds with good lighting. I can model some objects but I can't model a human for shit lol. Maybe I'll post the 3d work I've done so far here.

Heya all - SAM™ - 29th October 2007

welcome aboardSmile

Heya all - Sakura-chan - 29th October 2007

hi there and welcome to the palace Smile

Heya all - spacepoliceman - 30th October 2007


don't worry about your sexuality, most of the men here would define themselves as straight, including me, so you are among friends who understand.