Futanari Palace
Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Printable Version

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Hello Again, and Sorry.... - kermitphrogg114 - 24th March 2013

Hey guys.

Yes. Been a while, hasn't it?

First of all, let me issue an apology. Things... happened. I don't know how, they just did.

I don't have an excuse. No marriage, no sudden upheaval. I just... drifted away. Bit by bit I got caught up on other things. And after that, I chickened out.

Oh sure, I kept telling myself; "dude, they deserve to know. Just a heads up, maybe? Or maybe a PM or something? You did talk to these guys for two years."

But then... nothing. I was too inconsiderate to write a damn message.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry. I'm a fool, a bastard, a jerk, whatever you want to say about me. I came back to this site to see what had happened in my absence. And apparently, my friends missed me.

I'm sorry guys. I should have let you know earlier. A LOT earlier.

Right now, I'm on a "wait and see" basis, see if my return will be permanent, or just a flash in the pan.

I will say this: I really missed you guys :')

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - The Guardian - 24th March 2013


Hello Again, and Sorry.... - kermitphrogg114 - 24th March 2013

Glad to know someone welcomes me back :o

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Fire Fly - 25th March 2013

o.o Yes. Yes we did miss you. I just assumed after a while that you were never coming back...

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - kermitphrogg114 - 25th March 2013

Well, at the moment, I'm just trying to see if I can come back on a more permanent basis. For now, it's wait-and-see, but I'd say I'm not going to disappear again without warning.

Though one bit of bad news on the horizon. My home country seems to be trying to shut down porn on the net, basically cut access to any porn site from any computer in the country. While these measures will be enacted in 2014, it's still a bit worrying.

The good news is, they're probably going to have the 'no porn' rule on public and government networks (it was really getting embarrassing at points, what with all the viruses and ads and network slowdown) and give an option to home subscribers to allow porn or not. Still, the latter part is just conjecture at this point, will have to check.

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Fire - 25th March 2013

Welcome back after your absence. I didn't know you from back then, but it's still nice to have you again.

I'm sorry to hear about your country's internet plights... Where do you live?

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Altamira - 25th March 2013

Glad an old-timer has returned. Welcome back.

I like your the .gif image you use for your avatar. I always did like the fluttering skirts that gave a glimpse of girlcock. Delicious!

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Keahi19 - 10th April 2013

Never noticed that this was here, though it seems neither Firefly nor kermit have been back for a week. Sad Hmmmm Hope it wasn't just a flash in the pan.

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - KatCute - 10th April 2013

Darn, I guess this occurred during the time I was gone. I would of happily welcomed them back but I guess I missed it... damn

Hello Again, and Sorry.... - Keahi19 - 10th April 2013

Its ok, there will be more chances.